Monday, June 10, 2024

Naptime Submission


Click here for Exclusive Video: Naptime Submission - Patreon Exclusive

Click here for preview video: Naptime Submission - Preview

Ever wonder what it would be like to have someone of authority, decide that it's time for you to take a nap? That despite being an adult, you just can't seem to resist them, and the more you try the more tired and sleepy you become. In this Patreon Requested exclusive, we will explore just that scenario. 

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
and focus on my words
Allow the world around you 
To simply fade away 
And let my words
Help you to just 
And let go
To simply 
Feel yourself
Deeper and deeper
Down into a nice
Relaxing trance
You’ve been here before
So many times before
It’s so easy for you to just
Drift into my words
And let go. 
And as the world around you fades away 
Another world starts to take it place
You find yourself… 
in a cozy, dimly lit room,
Everything here is soft and cozy
There is a bed
Situation in the side of the room. 
And a person there 
That is looking at you rather playfully
They seem to have their hands on their hips
And be looking at you 
Like you are some kind of a child. 
You even check for a moment to make sure
You are in fact
Still an adult. 
You look at them confused
As they tell you 
That you need to take a nap
You need to lay down
And rest. 
You look at them a bit confused
And comment that
You aren’t tired
You aren’t ready for a nap. 
They of course just snake their head
And smile
And tell you
That yes you are… 
Your feeling… 
Very sleepy 
Very tired
The day 
The week 
Has been so long for ou 
It’s dragged on 
And on 
And you just need to 
Just need to let yourself
Feel the pull 
The tug
Down to sleep 
You start to feel the sensations washing over you 
A deep 
Helpless feeling
Light at first
Easily shaken away 
But it just seems to 
Pull you in. 
More and more deeply 
They tell you that you shouldn’t be naughty
Or they will have to take
Special precautions
To make sure that you sleep. 
You feel your head spinning 
Wobbling just a bit
Your not sure what it is
But something about this person 
Treating you like a child
Like you are somehow
Less in control of your own life
Like your authority
Your agency 
Has been stripped away 
That this person is simply
In charge of you now. 
You try to shake off the sensation
Try to remind yourself that you are
An adult
You make your own decisions
You make your own nap time. 
The very idea seems to take you by surprise
You haven’t had a nap time
In years
The person in the room just shakes their head
And presses a button 
On a device near the bed
And soft lullaby starts to play 
Drifting slowly 
Through the room 
And into your mind
It’s soothing melody 
Helps you to just feel 
And relaxed
It takes you back instantly 
To when you were actually little
When you were actually small 
And couldn’t make your own decisions
Back to when someone else got to tell you 
When you should go to sleep.
You try to resist
Try to struggle against the music
But it’s so soothing. 
You feel your eyes getting droopy 
And tired
And a hand gently taking yours
And guiding you to the bed
Sitting you down 
And whispering into your ear
That you are feeling 
So very sleepy now
So very tired
It’s past your bedtime
And you need to sleep 
You need to relax
The world will be better
After you have had
A nice 
You can’t help but feel your mind
Just drifting away 
Nodding off
You feel your head drop 
And then bounce back up 
Only to slowly drop 
And then as if simply by command
You feel yourself just
Drifting into your nap 
To their control 
To their authority 
Over you… 
You can feel yourself sinking
Gently into the bed
Sleeping soundly 
What you imagine the person doing with you 
Is completely up to you 
And your fantasy 
However if you would like to see
What I came up with. 
You can find the full version 
Of this video 
On my patreon account. 
You can look for that in the description 
When you wake up. 
Until then just drift away 
And listen to the lullaby 
And just 
Slip away 
And sleep 
Enjoy your nap. 

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