Monday, August 12, 2024

Almost Saved - Preview


Click here for Exclusive Video: Almost Saved - Patreon Exclusive

Click here for Preview Video: Almost Saved - Preview

Ever wonder what it would be like to be in a perilous situation... to be on the verge of helplessness, but then have someone come into the scene, someone that could help to completely, rescue you... how would you feel as you waited and watched, hoping they would notice, hoping they would come to your aid. Let's explore that fantasy shall we?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
To get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply 
Focus on my words
And just allow your body 
And your mind 
To simply relax 
Feel your muscles loosening
And your mind 
Clearing away 
Focusing on my words
Every word just seems to simply 
Slip into your mind
Deeper and deeper
Helping to keep your thoughts, 
Clear and empty 
Replacing them 
With my own words
Slowly everything else
Fades away 
And you fall into a deep 
Hypnotic sleep. 
Feeling your body 
And your mind
All the way down 
Into the void
Empty and relaxed
Allow the real world to fade away 
Just let it simply 
Drift from your mind
And allow yourself to see 
A new world
Forming in your thoughts
You are working in an office
After hours. 
It’s just you 
And one other employee
Working in the back 
Your trying to finish up some last minute paperwork 
Before you can leave for the night. 
You’re tired, 
It’s been a long day 
But you want to have this final task
Off of your mind
So you can go home and simply 
And crash for the evening. 
You put the last little touches on your paper work 
And hit print
You lean back and smile
You are finally done. 
You get up and walk over to the printer
The big heavy duty laser jet printr
That gives the paper such a unique scent
Smell of heated toner
It’s a strange thing to notice
But yet every time you print
It stands out to you. 
You take your piece of paper from the printer
And start to look it over. 
And then, out of no where
You feel a hand grab you around the waist
And another hand firmly placed on your mouth. 
You struggle instantly
But whomever has you 
Through either size
Or skill 
Keeps you tightly held to them 
Your muffled sounds being lost into their hand
Skllfully gagging your mouth
An dkeeping your jaw shut
Unable to do more then moan
And squal into the hand. 
“Shhhh” they whisper into your ear
“Quiet… I won’t hurt you… but you have to stay… Quiet!”
Instinctively you stop your moaning 
But continue to struggle against them. 
You wiggle and shake
But they keep a firm hold on you
“Stop it!” they tease 
“Your not going anywhere…” 
Despite your frustration 
And your fear
You feel your body relax a bit
You are very much sure
That they do indeed
Have you. 
And something about the helplessness
Something about that. 
That fear is 
Strangely exciting
You feel your pulse race
Not out of fear
But out of… stimulation
You flush with embarrassment
Realizing even now
That this is not the time
Or the place
For such actions
But yet 
Something about the person holding you 
Is strangely seductive
Their confidence
The cadence of their voice
The feel of their grip on you
And more importantly just how
Helpless you feel 
Held to them tightly 
Off balance
Gagged by their hand so skillfully 
That you can only moan and mummble
There is smoething strangely 
Exciting about how helpless they have made you
You find that you equally 
And love this feeling. 
But before they can notice
You hear your cowork
Walk into the large
Dark office floor
And yell your name. 
The person who has a hold of you 
Instantly whispers for you to stay quiet
As they drag you quickly 
Over the supply closet
The door is open 
Just enough for them to drag you inside
Shaking and moaning softly 
As they pull you in and hold you against the wall 
The room is dark 
And the light is not shining into the room 
The door gently slides all but completely closed
Leaving only a sliver for you to peak out of
“Don’t say… a word… don’t… make a noise” 
You feel the person’s grip tighten 
Along your body 
Along your mouth 
Gagging you even more deeply 
More tightly 
But the sensation of their arm around you 
The feel of it rubbing against you body 
Sends a tingle through you. 
As you see through the crack in the door
Your coworker walking around the office area
Saying you name, 
Wondering where you went…
Will they end up finding you?
Will they come to your rescue
Will you be able to get free
And call out for help
Or will you find yourself
And watching as your chance at rescue
Slips away 
If you would like to know
What ending I have written 
The link forthe exclusive patreon video 
Is in the description 
For when you wake up 
But for now just sit
And wonder
And fantasize for a few moments
And when you are ready 
Just let yourself count
From one up to three
And awaken 
And then you can decide
If you would like to see what I came up with… 
Or let it run through your mind
Always a mystery. 

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