Monday, October 7, 2024

Brainwashed Descent - Preview


Click here for Patreon Video: Brainwashed Descent - Patreon Exclusive

Click here for Preview Video: Brainwashed Descent - Patreon Preview

Ever wonder what it would be like to be... brainwashed, and not realize it? To follow a set of commands, all while deeply asleep. To find yourself night after night, being programmed, to obey, and to recruit others...

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply 
Focus on my words
And just
Deeply and easily now. 
Letting the world around you simply fade away. 
No need to think 
No need only to let yourself
Deeply and easily 
Completely down 
Down to sleep 
Relaxed and calm 
Letting your body simply go limp 
And loose
And focusing on my words
Letting everything simply 
Fade away 
As the world around you 
Melts into a dream 
And as the dream world 
Begins to form around you 
You find yourself 
Sitting at home 
Maybe you like to sit down and watch tv
Or sit on the computer
Or maybe you curl up on the couch 
With a tablet or your phone
There is no wrong answer
And all of those things happen to be
Very relaxing 
Whatever it is that you choose to find yourself
Doing to relax now
It just becomes so vivid
So real for you 
The more details that you pick out
The more they just seem to draw you in 
And easily now. 
But as you relax, you notice
A little news clip 
About how locals in your city 
Have started to notice people behaving…
strangely . 
Especially at night. 
Reports of people walking down the street in a daze
Not really aware of whats going on 
most … experts. Immediately assume it is 
A kind of drug epidemic. 
But one commenter believes that it is actually
A kind of hypnotic brainwashing
That these people are being controlled
Beyond their will. 
The commenter is of course, laughed at
And you yourself can’t help but laugh
Despite thinking just how… 
Just how fun something like that
Might be. 
To be helpless and blank 
Controlled to leave your house
Without your knowledge.
But of course, you brush that off. 
You are after all…
Too smart for something so…
As your night goes to close 
You get yourself ready for bed
And relax in bed. 
Turning on a youtube channel 
That you recently found. 
A soothing voice tells you 
To just allow yourself to get 
Into a comfortable position. 
As you smile and just 
Close your eyes
And let yourself drift 
Drift to sleep….
And soon the world just goes 
(leave a gap)
You find your eyes opening…
But your still asleep
Rising out of your bed
Your face is relaxed
Eyes glazed
As you get dressed
And leave your home
The night is cool 
And still 
Insects chirping away 
And the distant sounds of the highway
As you walk 
Step by step 
Down the street
A voice in your mind
Guiding you 
Every step makes you more
More open 
Relaxed and calm 
Easily walking 
Down the street
In the back of your mind
You think you see others
Here and there
Walking like you
Arms at their sides
Slowly moving 
Through the street
Deep and helpless
But your too deep 
Too blank to really notice…
You find yourself moving
To a building that was just built
Not too long ago
It’s very plain on the outside
Just concrete with no windows
You’ve seen it before. 
But you just thought it was a kind of 
You move towards the doors
And they open slowly
Letting you in
The inside is dark
Filled with what look like 
Elevator doors
Lining a long hall way
Several of the elevators have red lights over them
And others have green
But almost as in a haze
You can’t help but notice that several of the elevators
Have people standingi n front of them 
Watching and waiting
As the doors open they step inside
And the door close…
And the light goes red. 
You find yourself movie
Slowly towards a set of doors
With a green light over them
Step by step
Passing people walking into their elevators
One by one. 
You find yourself standing in front of
A set of very plain elevator doors
The green light shining donw on you 
As you simply
Soon the doors open 
Inviting you in 
You can’t help but just 
Feel a little tingle of nervousness
As you look into the dark elevator
But your body seems to respond
All on its own. 
As if it knows what to do 
As you take a step 
And another step 
Again and again and enter the elevator
You hear the doors close behind you
And feel the elevator start to lower
The feeling of sinking
Deeper into the earth
Deeper into the trance
Your mind just seems to go blank 
The more you drift
And deeper down now. 
Every floor makes you sink 
More and more deeply 
Completely down. 
Helpless to resist
You hear a ding
And the number
-1 appears on the panel before you
But the doors remain closed
Instead a thick 
Pink gas
Starts to fill the elevator
Lit up by the dim light
Gas feels thick
You can feel it around your body 
Like a cool blanket
Being wrapped around you 
But when you inhale it 
It has a very 
Sweet scent
Like the smell of candy 
Soft and inviting
It seeps into your mind
Into your body 
Opening you up 
Even more deeply 
You feel a sense of 
Of obedience
Slipping through your mind
As the gas subtly opens you 
Dropping what natural defenses
You may have left
And leaves you feeling very… 
Calm and relaxed
Deep in your mind
You know you will do as you are told
The gas makes it so you can’t 
Even think about resisting
It is simply what you were meant to do now
Inhaling the gas 
Letting it open you up… 
To suggestion.
And then you feel the elevator
Begin to lower
Deeper and deeper
Down into trance
Moving to the next floor down…
This is where our preview is going to end. 
If you would like to see what the rest of the floors
Hold in store for you
You can find a link in the description 
To the exclusive video on my patreon
For when you wake up. 
In the meantime 
Simply sit in the elevator
And breathe deeply and slowly 
Letting the gas drift into your mind
And body 
And when you are ready
You can simply count from one 
Up to three in your mind
And awaken 
But for now 
Simply breathe 
And sink 
For me…

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