Mummy: Bondage and Control - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for Extended Video: Mummy: Bondage and Control - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for normal video: Mummy: Bondage and Control

Click here for Mantra Short: Mummy Mantra

Click here for Session Log: Mummy - Hypnosis Session Log

Click here for After party Log: Mummy - After party Session Log

Every wonder what it might be like to find yourself completely, enthralled by an Egyptian Pharo? To feel yourself being bound tightly, and unable to move, unable to struggle, and to then feel your mind and body simply, fade away into the void. Leaving you completely helpless, blank and controlled, and under the spell of Ancient Egyptian magic.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can just
and focus on my words
where you can just feel your mind
and your body
starting to drift away
into that oh so familiar
feeling of trance
finding youself following my words
and feeling your mind simply
fading away
little by little
that familiar tingling feeling
moving through the back of your mind
as you find your face starting to relax
your jaw starting to fall open
and your shoulders
starting to just
deeper and deeper
following my words
so easily
so deeply
so completely
you've done this before
many many times
and it feels so nice
so familiar
to be here again now
with me
just following the words
and simply
letting your mind
and body
deeper and deeper
down into a nice
hypnotic SLEEP
and as you find yourself
slipping down
more and more deeply
into a hypnotic sleep
you find that world around you
starts to fade away
it just seems to fog over
as another world
starts to take its place
whatever time it was in the real world
you find that now
in the world forming in your mind
It's halloween...
and more specifically
Halloween night.
it's a clear night
with a full moon
the leaves are rustling in the breeze
and the bare tree branches cause a nice
eerie whine
as the wing glides over their branches
there are kids and adults alike
wandering the street
with big plastic buckets
full of candy
full of treats
and everyone is imply
enjoying themselves
and as you listen to the sounds
of doorbells ringing
and excited children banging on doors
a thousand tiny voices
and a few older ones all shouting
trick or treat!
over and over again.
it's surprisingly peaceful,
for such an eerie night.
but no halloween would be complete
without a costume.
take a moment to feel your costume
forming around your body
imagine the perfect costume,
the perfect outfit for your halloween
it can be any character,
established or original
any style, or format
playful or sexy.
and just imagine the outfit
the costume forming around you
feel how it sits on your body
how it moves with you
but most important of all
notice how it makes you feel
to be someone else.
there is a power...
a seductive pleasure
in letting yourself be, something else
or even, someone else
sometimes you just want to put on a costume
and be transformed
mind and body
into a different person.
maybe one with powers
maybe one with abilities
one that is more confident
or comical
one that is more assertive
or reserved
maybe it's a person you aspire to be like
or maybe it's someone you fear...
and you want the world, to share your dread
there is no wrong answer
only the answer that is right...
for you.
and just allow that costume
to filter into your mind and body
and feel yourself slowly walking down the street
the halloween street
as your costumed self.
perfectly natural
perfectly happy to simply be
something.. or someone... else... for a little while.
There is something alluring
something fun about being something
other than yourself
and with every step down the street
you can't help but feel the power
that energy drifting through your body
whatever your costume may be
or even if you haven't decided on one
you can simply feel the power
the energy of being... something else.
someone else
but as you walk down the street
a particular individual
seems to catch your eye
they are dressed in attire that reminds you
of ancient egyptian royalty
complete with a scepter
and the stereotypical pharos crown
as you look them over
you can't help but notice
just how attractive they are
how confident they walk
down the street.
it's as if they know
that they are in charge
they are the one that everyone else
will simply bow before.
and there is a strange
pull to that kind of confidence
some people see it as a challenge
others, a desire
but you can easily feel the pull
of that confidence
but as you watch
this egyptian royalty
stride down the street with all the confidence
of a titan
you notice that they have a strange little smirk
on their face.
it's as if they know something...
something that everyone else
seems to be unaware of.
but as you watch them pass
looking over their body
over their form
they come to a dead stop
and turn 90 degrees
facing you directly.
staring at you
that same knowing smirk on their face
as they step closer
and closer to you
every step seems to make feel
larger then life
more powerful
more intense.
you find that you can't look away
not because of some magic spell
or ancient power
but simply because of their gaze
their confidence
their presence.
They seem to walk right up to you
feeling taller then you imagined
as you look up
to see them looking down on you
confident and smug
as you hear their voice say
with an almost arrogant tone.
"you'll do"
before you can process what the means
what they might be implying
they raise their scepter
and point at you.
to your surprise
the scepter seems to do...
nothing at all.
you simply stare
for something to happen.
as the scepter is pointed at you
no glow
no magical spell
after a moment you look from the scepter
to the person
just in time to see them snap their fingers
and as soon as they do
you feel cloth wrappings
instantly wrap around your ankles
and your legs
you look down in surprise to see
what looks like tatter
torn mummy wrappings
wrapping around your legs
you move to protest
only to find more of the binds
wrapping around your wrist
and pulling it ot your side
you wiggle and struggle
reaching with your free hand to pull the bind away
only to have that hand
wrapped in the cloth
and pulled to your chest
the clothes quickly wrap around your chest
pinning your hand to your chest
while your legs are pulled closed
the binds gettin tighter
and tighter
you wiggle and struggle
but the more you try to free yourself
the tighter the cloth pulls on your body
The more you struggle
the more the binds wrap around you
you move to protest
to call out for help
but as your about to shout
a cloth wrap wraps around your mouth
and another under your chin
pulling your mouth closed
and muffling your protest
the wraps are moving around more and more of your body
you can't help but feel like
your being cocooned
being wrapped from head to toe
you struggle and wiggle
as the wraps move around your stomach and your thighs
you feel yourself
losing your balance
and fall to your side
landing softly in the grass
of one of the houses
you wiggle on the ground
and moan into the wraps
as more and more bonds wrap around you
more restrictive
soon you find that you can't even wiggle
can't even move
the binds wrap around your head
and you see the egyptian royalty
give you a smile
before your eyes are covered with the wrapping
Despite the thickness of the wrapping
despite how tight it feels
you find that you can breathe
easily and gently
and that despite
being unable to see
you are aware of the world around you
aware of the night sky
of the moon shining down
aware of the person standing over you
their confident smile
looking down at you
as you sit there
finding the binds just tight enough to keep you from moving
to keep you helpless
and on the ground
the more you struggle
the more they seem to get in your way
to keep you helpless
and calm
you notice their royal highness
move to you
and hold up the scepter again
but this time there is a glow
it filters down onto your body
and starts to sink
into the wrappings
and flow around your body
you feel it sliding along your skin
along your body
caressing you
the sensation almost instantly makes you feel yourself
just relax
and let go
the energy moving like a lovers hands
slowly along your skin
finding all the right places
to stimulate
and caress
the more places the energy touches
the more your mind seems to just
let go
and give in to the pleasure
give in to the energy
the energy starts to swirl
and move along your body
pooling into large orbs of energy
that move along your body
along your skin
they seem to know
exactly where to touch
exactly where to massage
and stimulate
to bring you the most pleasure
as the energy pools move
along your body
you feel trickles of electricity
radiating out from them.
causing everywhere they touch
to feel more pleasure
and arousal
they seem to know exactly
where you want them to go
moving along your body
to your most
intimate of places
the places that bring you
the most pleasure
the places that make your pulse
and make you shiver
and moan
letting go more and more to the energy
you can feel that pleasure building
so easily
so deeply in your body
and in your mind
the more pleasure you feel
the more the energy seems to feed off of your pleasure
building more powerful
more accurate
every shiver
every moan
makes the pools of energy
glow even more brightly
and make the trickles of pleasure
that spark out of them
hit more and more of your body
and linger longer
and deeper
feeling the pleasure moving
very deeply
into your mind
into your body
finding not only
all the places in your body
that you need stimulated
but also,
in your mind
knowing exactly that thoughts
the whispers
to slip into your mind
to simply seduce you
seduce you into surrendering
surrendering the pleasure
surrendering to the energy
to give into the sensations that you are feeling
the building pleasure
the rolling arousal
your body needs to release
it needs to feel it's climax
but it can only do that
if your mind simply
you feel your mind
just a bit
more out of defiance
then anything else
you know you want this
you can feel it
but there is a small
out of resisting
for just a little bit
holding on just enough so you can say
you gave it your best shot
and then that time
comes ...
and goes
and your mind simply
and surrenders
you feel yourself relax
as you feel the climax wash through you
every part of your body
every nerve trickling with energy
as the pools of pleasure energy
break up
and flow freely around you body
everywhere they touch
tingles and shivers
as your body simply
and you let your climax flod into your body
and into yoru mind
as the energy swirls freely around your body
you feel it moving
higher and higher
moving slowly up into your head
into your brain...
into your mind
you feel the energy
see the energy
clouding over your thoughts
the sparks of energy trickling through your mind
as your body goes completely limp
you hear the egyptian royal
chuckle just a bit
and command you to rise.
all at once
the wrappings around you
seem to instantly become loose
and your limps are instantly able to move
the wraps stay around your body
and even hang
off of your rams
off of your legs
off of your shoulders
the wrapping around your eyes
falls away
and you feel your eyes open
but your vision seems to have
an eerie
unnatural tint to it.
almost like your eyes
are glowing
a nice, ghostly green
you feel yourself standing
your face is slack
and simply stare ahead
breathing softly
and easily
you notice the egyptian royal
look you over
and slide their septer under your chin
tilting your head up
to stare into their eyes
in the shine of their eyes
theri deep powerful eyes
you notice your reflection
the wraps hanging off of you
your face only partially visible
maybe some of your hair
if it's long enough
your mouth hanging open
but what really stands out
is that your eyes are glowing
an unnatural green
soft glow
the royal gives you a grin
and tells you to simply
and then turns to continue down the street
to your surprise
your body doesn't really move
you can't really move
nothing seems to want to work
but then you feel as if an invisible force
is pulling at your arms
raising them up
slowly in front of you
your hands are limp
hanging down
but your arms seem to raise
higher and higher
until they are even with your shoulders
and then the invisible force
seem to keep pulling
tugging your body forward
you feel like you might fall
but instinctively
your leg moves out to catch you
and then you are pulled again
an another step
the tug on your arms
leaves your arms out directly in front of you
your head relaxed and limp
your mouth open
as you are pulled along
deeply controlled
you find that you seem to simply
follow behind the royal
your arms being pulled by their magic
their power
the energy in your mind
causing your eyes to have that unnatural glow
keeping you deeply asleep
leaving your body to be obedient
and easily manipulated
as you take step
after step
a soft moan escapes your lips
as you take a step
gentle and subtle
being pulled forward helplessly
you can't help but notice the other
trick or treaters
noticing you
looking at you
some of them laugh at how you look
thinking it's simply a costume
simply a gag
the little ones seem to run behind their parent
and scream
but still you walk
by step
behind your royal
helplessly asleep
by step
feeling yourself walking
step by step
down the street
every step helping you become
more and more controlled
more mindless
more blank
the energy in your mind
keeping you deeply asleep
the power of the royal
pulling you along
in a moment
if and only if
it is safe to do so
you will find that you will feel your arms
raising up
feeling a pull of energy
on your wrists
slowly raising them
and higher
and deeper
until they are at a position
to pull you up
out of whatever you are sitting on
you'll find your mind goes blank
and will feel the pull
of the magical spell
around your wrists
pulling you
step by step
around whatever room
you may be in
every step
pulling you down
mind completely blank
completely helpless
every step
pulling you down
easily avoiding any obstacles
easily staying private
and safe
letting your body
and mind
simply take
after step
you may do this for as long as you feel comfortable
and when you are ready
to simply wake up
you will find that you return to your chair
and simply let yourself
and rest
but for now
if it's safe to do so
simply feel the pull on your wrists
as the magic pulls you up
and out of your chair...
and allow you to safely
and easily
follow its pull.

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