Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Cabin In The Woods induction script

This is the full induction for the video that can be found here!

Allow yourself to get comfortable...
as you simply listen to my voice...
let the world around you fade away...
you can close your eyes if you want...
or focus on the spiral...
whichever is more comfortable for you...
and as you let the world around you fade away.
allow another to take it's place.
become aware of trees, towering above you...
old...strong trees. with big thick trunks
They can be any variety you like.
allow yourself to see the details of the tress.
do they have leaves... or pine needles.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hypnotic Massage Script.

This is the Script for the Hypnotic Massage induction video. The video can be found HERE.

Allow yourself to relax...
to just sink into your chair...
or wherever you are currently...
let your body get comfortable...
you can close your eyes...
or focus on the spiral...
whichever works best for you.

and in your mind...
imagine yourself laying down...
face first on the most relaxing...
calming.. massage table you could possibly imagine.
Feel the material against your skin...
the faint air of scented candles...in the background.
and the warm hand of someone you trust...
slowly massaging your feet.
You can feel the warm, relaxing oil begins pressed into yoru feet.
A faint scent of lavender, or camomile... coming from the oil.

Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...