This is the Script for the Hypnotic Massage induction video. The video can be found HERE.
Allow yourself to relax...
to just sink into your chair...
or wherever you are currently...
let your body get comfortable...
you can close your eyes...
or focus on the spiral...
whichever works best for you.
and in your mind...
imagine yourself laying down...
face first on the most relaxing...
calming.. massage table you could possibly imagine.
Feel the material against your skin...
the faint air of scented the background.
and the warm hand of someone you trust...
slowly massaging your feet.
You can feel the warm, relaxing oil begins pressed into yoru feet.
A faint scent of lavender, or camomile... coming from the oil.
and just feet those strong, warm hands.
pressing into the soles of your feet.
sliding their fingers around the tops of your foot.
and sliding their palms all the way down to your heels.
Squeezing the muscles in your feet.
one by one...
and feeling them relaxing...
letting go completely.
you can feel their fingers...
slowly sliding between your toes..
the soft sound of the oil, moving gently between your toes...
as you feel every muscle in your feet.
simply relax...
and let go completely now.
And now you start to feel the warm...
strong hands...
massaging up your legs...
starting at your ankles...
rolling their thumb, and fingers along the sides of your ankles.
making the muscles relax...
and loosen.
you can feel your body becoming deeper...
and more relaxed.
sinking more and more into the massage table.
Little by little you can feel the hands moving up.
Sliding along your calves...
squeezing and relaxing the muscles.
feeling the warm, scented oil sliding along your skin.
their strong fingers gripping around the sides of your calf
and then pressing their palm into your calf
pushing down gently
and just working the muscle out...
out into a relax... loose state
feeling so good and calm.
able to smell the candles burning gently in the back of the room.
able to smell the scent of oil.
and feeling the hands moving up. slowly...
pressing their thumbs into the back of your knee.
making the joint relax.
and sink deeper into the table.
feeling a tingle move up your body
as you feel the muscles in your knees
and your legs
twitch just a bit...
and then loosen.
stretching out.
slowly and easily.
letting yourself breathe softly
and gently...
this is your time...
all to yourself...
a time to relax...
and be pampered...
feeling the hands moving up the back of your thighs.
pressing their palms into your leg...
and swirling the muscle around
making it go limp
and loose
feeling the knots simply melting away
simply sliding off of your body.
just like the warm oil.
being gently rubbed along the back...
and sides of your legs
feel thier hands squeezing,
and pressing into the muscles...
making htem loosen
and relax
letting your legs become completely limp
and loose
relaxed and calm.
and just enjoying this time...
your special time.
Feel the hands move up to your butt.
and your hips.
massaging the muscles that you use every day.
to walk, and climb stairs.
big powerful muscles that you almost never notice.
but you notice them now.
you notice them relaxing.
under the pressure of the hands.
the skill... safe hands...
relaxing the muscles deeper and deeper.
feeling the oil being spread softly.
starting along the sides of your hips.
and then slowly massaged
in a circular pattern
along your butt.
such a soothing feeling, the warmth of the oil...
and the hands...
just let yourself focus on the feeling.
as the hands move slowly
and easily...
up your back...
starting down at the base of your spine...
and moving in one smooth motion.
long and slow
up yoru back.
you can feel their entire palms pressed against your back
as they slide gently along your back
up to your shoulders...
and then down your arms...
squeezing softly as they move lower...
and lower...
down your arms...
all the way down to yoru hands.
you feel them focusing first on yoru left hand...
gently dropping a dab of oil into your palm.
and then slowly spreading it around, with their thumb.
feeling their other hand holding yours.
a soothing, relaxing feeling to share, with your masseuse...
feel the hands moving along your fingers...
gently sliding the oil between them.
and then squeezing. and wiggling out every section,
every joint... of your fingers...
one by one...
relaxing the muscles in your fingers...
then slowly moving back to your palm
and pressing both thumbs into your palm.
letting their fingers slide along the top of your hand.
and then moving up...
up your arm slowly...
to your wrist.
massaging and stretching the joint.
the warm oil gently seeping into your skin.
making the muscles relax and loosen.
and moving up higher, and higher.
into your forearm...
wigging out the muscles along the inside of your forearm.
while their fingers slide along the outside...
feel your left hand flopping gently.
and easily as they massage your forearm.
completely relaxed.
completely loose
and limp.
feel thier hands move up a bit more.
and slide a single thumb along the inside of your elbow...
wigging it around to loosen the joint.
and work more and more of the warm soothing oil into your skin.
and then feel the hands moving up.
pressing their thumbs into your bicep.
while their fingers squeeze and kneed out your triceps.
slowly moving up and down...
working the muscle into a relax...
limp state
then taking a moment to slide up and down your left arm.
spreading the oil ever so gently
up and down along your entire left arm...
before sliding along your shoulders...
and down your right arm.
Moving down your right arm...
down your palm.
rubbing their oil soaked thumb into your palm.
and swirling out
slowly and easily...
a long slow motion.
and then reaching your thumb..
and massaging up your thumb...
gently and easily...
working out every joint...
every section of your thumb...
before moving over to your index finger...
and moving from the bottom.
massaging the muscled section of your finger...
before sliding up to the first joint...
and wiggling it between their fingers.
slowly working the oil along the finger.
little by little
and move up...
from finger to finger, they follow the same process.
starting at the base and sliding up your fingers...
one by one...
little by little
helping your hand to relax...
Once all of the fingers are relaxed...
you feel them slowly slide their hands along yours
you can feel that connection.
feel the trust you have for them.
and how nice it is to simply share this time with them.
sinking deeper and deeper into the massage table
enjoying the scent of the candles...
and the oil..
and just...
relaxing now...
slowly and easily...
into this experience.
and feel their hands slowly moving up your right arm.
massaging along your forearm.
and wiggling their thumbs.
up and down the muscles
squeezing and releasing them.
helping every muscle to just give in...
and slip away...
gently and easily...
as they move their hands up your arm.
little by little
massaging along your right elbow...
and simply letting your arm hand limp
and loose along the massage table.
feeling them squeezing up into your triceps
and your biceps..
and just relaxing into the massage
move and more.
as their hands reach up to your shoulder
you feel a long... slow...
warm drizzle... of oil...
starting at the base of your neck.
and being slowly poured out along your back.
feeling it shifting from left to right as they drizzle the oil
gently down your back.
to the base of your spine.
you can feel their hands.
fingers spread wide
as they move along your back.
one hand near the base of your spine
the other on the center of your shoulder blades.
and just feel their hands
slowly swirling.
in long...
gentle circles along your body
you can feel their fingers spreading wide
as they glide their hands along your back
and then squeezing their fingers together,
to cause the muscle beneath to be squeezed...
and relax...
feeling your back loosening little by little.
and just enjoy this feeling now...
enjoy the warmth of their hands.
just the right amount of force...
the right amount of strength.
the right amount of, tenderness, in the massage
to make you feel completely...
and totally relaxed.
and at peace here.
just feel your breathing becoming easier.
and deeper
as your relax into this wonderful massage
as you simply let go.
and sink into the feeling.
as the hands slide along your back.
up and down...
wide circles...
relaxing your muscles...
and deeper now...
so calm and deep...
deeply relaxed...
after a while...
and when your feeling...
completely relaxed.
the hands move up and gently massage your shoulders
and neck..
sliding the well oiled hands.
along your shoulders...
and pressing their thumbs
into your shoulder blades
using their fingers along your collar bone
to gently squeeze the muscles of your shoulders
and relax you more and more deeply
you may even feel yourself let out a small
relaxed moan.
as you feel their hands squeeze nice and tight.
and then relax.
feeling your whole body relaxing.
and deeper
down into this massage now...
after your shoulder relax
you can feel them slide their hands...
slowly and easily along your neck.
gently sliding their fingers up and down
along the sides of your neck
and then squeezing.
all the way to be the back of your neck
feeling your head hanging limp
and relaxed
supported by the table...
supported by their strong.
gentle hands.
and simply sink
deeper and deeper
into this massage.
feeling everything fading away
just the relaxation.
and the hands along your neck
now that your entirely relaxed...
you feel the person massaging you...
gently flip you, onto your back...
your entire body is limp, and loose.
you feel yourself simply fall back into the table.
completely safe with the person here.
you trust them.. and can relax
as you feel them gently drop a single...
warm drop...
of oil ... on the center of your forehead.
you feel their thumbs spread that oil out...
along the top of your head.
and down to your temples.
their fingers gently massaging your jaw.
from your chin...
up to joint by your ear.
you feel their thumbs slowly starting at the center of your forehead.
and working their way out.
down to your temples.
where they slowly...
press in just a bit.
and slowly swirl, in a soothing.
relaxing temple massage.
you feel their thumbs slide down a bit more
along your cheeks.
you can smell the oil on their skin.
soothing and relaxing.
completely calm
as they relax every muscle in your face...
and your head...
letting you enjoy this feeling.
and totally now...
so relaxed...
and limp...
nearly asleep...
the massage can continue...
for as long as you like...
you may feel the hands of the person you trust...
slide along any part of your body...
any part you may like them to pay... special attention too...
maybe it's a part that's already been massaged...
a part that you'd like some extra time.. and care...
to be dedicated too...
or maybe there is a special spot that they missed...
a spot that is, unique... and special to you...
a spot that helps you to relax more and more deeply...
a spot that helps you let go...and completely enjoy this feeling now...
wherever it is that you want to feel the hands massage...
you can feel them slide to that spot now...
feel them spreading the warm oil... over that special spot...
and feel their hands... squeezing.. and kneading...
exactly the way that you like it...
exactly the way you need...
to experience the feelings you want to experience now...
and when your ready to wake up...
all you need to do is simply... take a deep breath...
and open your eyes...
feeling relaxed and refreshed...
of course...
you don't need to do this...
until your ready...
for now...
just relax...
feel their hands on your body...
and feel yourself...
slip away...
and easily...
Hypnotic Experiences, a place to find real hypnosis videos that range from relaxation to living out your fantasies. From simple self help, to experiencing things you didn't know were possible. All hypnosis videos are made from scripts by Professional Hypnotists certified and in good standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).
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