Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Cabin In The Woods induction script

This is the full induction for the video that can be found here!

Allow yourself to get comfortable...
as you simply listen to my voice...
let the world around you fade away...
you can close your eyes if you want...
or focus on the spiral...
whichever is more comfortable for you...
and as you let the world around you fade away.
allow another to take it's place.
become aware of trees, towering above you...
old...strong trees. with big thick trunks
They can be any variety you like.
allow yourself to see the details of the tress.
do they have leaves... or pine needles.

is there a special shape to the trees,
a color to them... perhaps even flowers, nuts, or acorns.
watch how the trees sway in the wind.
and feel the breeze against your skin,
against your hair...
the perfect temperature for you to relax.
whether that be warm, or cool.
you find yourself completely relaxed.
dressed in comfortable clothing for the weather.
you become aware of the sun, near setting.
as it's light shines through the trees,
making sun rays that appear and disappear as the trees sway in the breeze.
you can hear the trees rustling, in the wind.
and become aware of the sounds of birds singing.
insects chirping.
and small animals, and frogs, calling out into the forest.
you notice a path beneath you...
rustic enough to help you feel relaxed... and away from it all...
but simple enough that you can navigate it, easily.
take a moment to notice the details of the path...
what materials it's made out of,
notice the trees around the path.
the songs and calls of the animals.
the scent of the trees around you...
perfectly peaceful.
as you start to walk.
slowly and gently down the path.
taking the sights of the forest around you.
as you move gently and easily down the path.
In the distance you can hear water...
trickling down a stream.
crisp and clear as it echos softly through the rustling of the trees.
asyou feel yourself moving down the path...
step by step...
every step you take helps you to relax...
more and more deeply.
every detail you notice...
every new tree you see...
every new bird, and animal you hear.
every gentle breeze that you feel...
every scent of the forest that you detect
helps every detail around you...
to become more vivid...
more real for you now.
And just allow yourself to simply continue to walk
through the forest.
you hear the stream get closer...
and closer...
and notice a clearing up ahead.
A small cleared area, next to the stream.
with a small cabin, or cottage nestle between two trees.
as you get closer and closer
you can determine the kind of cabin it is...
is it rustic, and made of logs...
or is it cozy, more of an elegant cottage, hidden away in the woods.
Whichever you enjoy more, will be what you experience.
And just let the details flood in as you get closer and closer.
see the trees reflecting off of the windows...
take in the feel of the material as you slide you hand along the side of the cabin
take a moment to appreciate the shape
and form of the building.
the color of the walls.
the color of the roof.
and just let everything become crystal clear to you now...
as you slide closer and closer to the door.
Let yourself examine the door...
see who it's made... is it simple, or elegant...
is it the same color as the rest of the building... or is it unique, does it stand out...
let your hand slide along the door... and feel ... deep inside...
that what lies on the other side... is a place of perfect peace...
perfect calm...
whereyou can go whenever you need to just relax...
and let go...
take one last look around...
and notice the sun setting in the distance...
the trees rustling around you...
and the wildlife slowly quieting down...
getting ready to sleep...
and when your ready...
feel your hand move to the latch on the door.
feel it in your hand...
cold and strong...
yet inviting... and protective...
feel yourhand turn the latch
and feel the heavy, strong door open
and gently step inside...
letting the door behind you close...
giving you a place of perfect calm...
and peace.
as you look around you notice it's quite simple inside.
quite relaxing...
There is only a bed...
and a chair...
and a fireplace.
You can feel the warmth of the fire.
as it gently crackles...
and see the flames dancing slowly
as the warm inviting glow
fills the entire room.
The bed is large... and fluffy
with big soft pillows
and thick, fluffed up blankets
the kind of bed you can simply sink into
and fall instantly into a peaceful night sleep.
The chair is large...
easily large enough for you to curl yourentire body into.
with a tall, strong back.
and soft cushions.
the kind that just wrap around you
as you sit or lay in them.
Both the bed and the chair are in a position that let you see the fire
let your feel it's heat radiating off of yoru skin.
the warm, relaxing energy just rippling along your body
as its soothing glow helps you to relax.
Allow yourself to pick, the bed... or the chair...
and feel yourself sliding into it.
feel how your body just seems to let go...
and sink into it...
feel how it rises to meet you...
wrapping you in soothing comfort....
holding you... and helping you to just...
let go...
just let everything fade away...
this is your special place...
the place you can come any time you want...
to just... get a way for a while...

and as you feel your body getting comfortable and just sinking...
deeper and deeper...
you can't help but watch the fire...
watching it flicker...
and crackle.
the ocasional ember popping off.
and the gentle smoke swirling into spirals
as they float up the chimney...
and out of sight...
outof mine.
You can see the wood in the fireplace.
glowing, and shifting from red to yellow
as it fuels the fire.
you can see the flames dancing...
and smell the scent of the burning wood.
that wonderful natural fire smell...
that only a real fireplace can give you.
and relax...
into this moment.
let your mind and just slip away...
and be at peace here...
you can return here any time you like...
all you need to do is close your eyes...
and imagine the forest...
imagine the path...
and it will lead you back here...
back to this wonderful place...
or... you could always just listen to this recording...
again and again...
letting yourself sinnk deeper.
and deeper...
every time you do...
for now...
just enjoy the feeling of your body relaxing.
enjoy how peaceful it is here...
how the fire smells so nice...
and the crackling is just so relaxing.
enjoy how calm you feel lounging as you look at the fire...
and watch the flames dance along the logs...
perfectly at peace...
you can stay here for a long as you like..
can even drift off to sleep... if you'd like...
and simply rest... and relax...
when your ready to wake up...
all you need to do is take a few slow...
deep breathes...
and open your eyes...
but for now...
simply enjoy the fire...
and drift away...
and deeper...

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