Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Bondage Hypnosis Induction Script

WARNING: Adult content!

This is the script for the hypnosis video that can be found Here!

Allow yourself to get comfortable…
And listen to the sound of my voice…
And simply allow the world around you..
To Fade away…
Just allow yourself take a few… slow…
Deep breaths…
And let yourself relax.
And as you relax…
imagine yourself, 
Sitting in a chair… a normal, simple
Four legged, wooden chair…
It has a high back with a head rest…
And wide, sturdy arm rests.
The kind of chair that when you sit down you just feel…
How strong the chair is.
How sturdy it is…
You can feel just how comfortable it is..
It’s the kind of chair you can just relax in now…
And feel yourself getting comfortable…
But as you do
you become aware of a rope…
Wrapping around your ankles…
Pulling your ankles to the legs of the chair…
And tying them tightly..
As you look down..
And try to move your legs…
You realize that the binds have you Completely restrained to the chair legs.
You can reach down and pull at them.
And try to wiggle your foot out
But the more you struggle the tighter they become.
You notice the binds moving…
Sliding up your legs, like a snake… or a vine.
All on their own.
Wrapping up more and more of your legs as they go
Coiling around your calves and pulling them tight to the chair legs
Then wrapping just under your knees…
Preventing your legs from the knees down from moving at all.
The more you struggle..
The more you try to pull the binds away…
The more mobility you lose…
And the tighter, and stronger, they become.
As you pull on the binds around your legs…
You realize that you failed to notice the binds wrapping around your waist
All at once you feel them pulling you back in the chair
Tight against the backrest.
You become aware of more binds
Sliding under your legs…
Feeling them wiggling under your legs
And your butt
And then sliding between your legs.
And spreading out your thighs
binding your thighs open…
And then coiling down under the base of the chair.
Preventing you from moving your legs
Either from side to side.
Or up and down.
You can try to pull the binds off of your legs…
But the more that you struggle with them
The tighter they become
So tight you can’t even get your fingers around the binds to pull on them..
They are simply…
Too tight to fight…
But you keep trying anyways…
Trying to shift your entire body
From side to side.
But your lower half…
From the waist down…
Goes nowhere.
The harder you struggle
The stronger the bonds get
And the more helpless you become.
But still you continue to struggle
Shifting from side to side trying to escape.
using your hands to try and pull yourself up from the arm rest
As You do you feel a bind quickly… tightly
Wrap around your left wrist.
pulling your wrist down to the arm rest
As you struggle to pull it free
The binds move up your arm..
Wrapping around your elbow
And pulling your arm down…
Pulling your elbow lower and lower.
You can’t resist…
The more you do the stronger the pull gets
Until finally your elbow touches the arm rest
And the binds start to wrap around your arm.
Wrapping around your forearm…
And your hand.
Pressing your palm down onto the arm rest.
And then slowly wrapping around your fingers…
All of them at once to make them flatten out…
And then slowly wrapping around your pinky
And your thumb.
Making them spread out a little.
And then binding them down.
Then spreading out your ring finger…
And your index finger…
Binding them down to the arm rest.
Completely flat
With your fingers…
And forearm all unable to move.
As your right hand struggles to pull at the binds
Trying with all of your might to free your left hand.
A bind comes from your right.
And wraps around your wrist, like a whip…
It may startle you at first…
But then you feel the pull
As the bind tries to pull your right arm down…
Down. to the armrest on the right.
You struggle as hard as you can
Pulling and grunting.
But another bind whips our and wraps around your arm near your elbow
But you still struggle.
And pull.
But your arm is getting lower
And lower…
As you struggle… slowly losing ground…
You see another bind wrap around your forearm…
And another…
And another…
Five in total..
Pulling your arm down.
You put all of your resistance…
All of your strength into one…
Finally pull
Managing to tug your arm…
Ever so slightly away from the arm rest…
But then your strength slips away
And your arm gets pulled down against the arm rest.
Binds wrapping and coiling around your right arm
Holding it down deeply
As you relax you feel more binds wrapping around your upper arms
Pulling your shoulders back against the chair.
You feel several binds wrapping around your chest.
Going diagonally from your shoulders down around your chest.
And one wrapping around the bottom of your rib cage.
anther wrapping just above your collarbone
The binds pull you tight.
Back into the chair.
Completely restricting your movements
The more you struggle the tighter they become…
And as you shift your head from side to side…
The last part of your body free to move…
A bind wraps around your forehead…
And locks your head in place
As you Feel the cushion of the head rest
Expanding out just a bit
To completely prevent your head from moving
At all
Up or down.
Or side to side.
Your head is completely stuck
As you struggle to move..
Struggle to pull against the binds
You realize that everything is tied down.
Tight and strong.
All you have is your ability to talk…
To yell and show your defiance… or enjoyment.
If your not currently someplace where you can do this safely
Only vocalize your responses. In your mind..
But if you are somewhere safe…
And you feel comfortable doing so
You can simply voice your resistance.
Grunting… or moaning…
Giving sarcastic and snarky comments.
Whatever makes you feel the most excited.
But the more your respond
The tighter the binds become…
And as they get tighter and tighter
You start to notice the binds…
Around your most sensitive…
And exciting areas
Starting to move..
Starting to tease
And caress.
Stimulating you.. More and more…
Letting the true feeling of helplessness slip through your body
As you feel the binds moving in just the right way
To excite you…
While keeping you down.
Helplessly to the chair.
Unable to move
Unable to resist.
But you continue to struggle nonetheless.
But as you do…
You see a crystal pendant…
Being lowered in front of your eyes..
And slowly swinging from side to side.
You can see the light refracting off of the pendant.
Creating a series of random colorful flashes.
You feel your body weakening…
As the binds continue to slides pleasurably along certain parts of your body
And hold you tightly to the chair everywhere else.
Your mind can’t help but follow the pendant.
Back and forth slowly and easily
Locked onto it with your eyes as it sways
Side to side
Your resistance weakens…
And fades…
And slowly
Disappears into the flashes of light.. Off of the pendant.
You feel your own resistance simply become…
As your mind slows
Deeper and deeper
Shutting down…
Leaving you blank…
And helpless
Feeling the ropes stimulating you…
More and more
As you simply gaze at the pendant…
Swinging back and forth…
Slowly and easily now…
You can allow your body to enjoy the stimulation…
Enjoy the helpless feeling…
And let the stimulation take you as far as you feel comfortable…
To whatever edge, or ending you desire the most.
And you can just feel yourself…
Experiencing this now…
For as long as you like..
And when you're ready…
Ready to wake back up..
Simply take a deep breathe… and let the binds fade away
And allow yourself to wake up naturally…
But until then…
Simply let yourself enjoy this feeling.
Of stimulation…
This Feeling of being bound to the chair.
The feeling of having your mind…
As you focus deeply on the pendant..
This feeling of helplessness…
Just let that fill your mind and body…
And enjoy…

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