Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Chloroform Encounter Script

This is the full script for the Chloroform Encounter Hypnosis Experience that can be found here!

If you are concerned about what the video may hold please read the entire script carefully, and remember that all hypnosis is self hypnosis you can wake up at any time simply by taking a deep breath and opening your eyes.


Just allow yourself to relax 
And simply find a comfortable position
And feel your body simply sinking into whatever you are sitting on.
And allow yourself to breathe
Comfortable and easily
As you let the world around you simply fade away…
Always remembering that no matter what happens here…
In this hypnotics space
You are always safe  …
And as the world around your completely fades away
Imagine yourself…
Simply walking…
It can be anyplace that you like…
Any place that you enjoy
A place where your feel comfortable
Just take in all the sights and sounds of the place around you
As you feel yourself walking
By step…
Deeper and deeper now…
Just let your mind wander
As you relax…
Step by step…
Letting everything go
And fading away…
But suddenly you feel someone.
Someone you trust…
Grab you from behind…
Pulling you to them
And as you feel their chest against your back.
You feel a cool
Damp cloth being placed over your face
Your senses are instantly overwhelmed by the strong.
Sweet smell of the chloroform.
Flooding into your nose
Flooding into your lungs
You can feel the scent in your nose
And feel it as you gasp in surprise
inhaling a massive amount of the fumes.
You instantly feel the chloroform being absorbed into your body
As You feel a wave of weakness..
Washing over your body..
You struggle against the person that has you…
Shaking and moaning
But the effects make their way to your brain
To your mind
The world instantly goes dizzy
Spinning and swirling
As you feel control over your arms rapidly fading away.
Your body jerking and struggling..
But weakening… so quickly now.
You can feel the person behind you..
The person you trust so much 
Simply slide their hands to support you
You feel your legs getting wobbly
And weak.
The world around you starts to spin
As you sigh into the cloth
And inhale more and more of the chloroform.
Feeling it in your lungs
Thick and heavy
Weighing you down
And making you… so tired now 
So relaxed.
Your head tries to stay up.
But it just feels so heavy
As you feel it fall back against the person holding you.
You can hear them whisper into your ear 
“Just relax…. And sleep…”
Feel their words just sliding into you…
Deeper and deeper
As your feel your body starting to sink even more deeply
Into their arms
Into the pull of  gravity
Your vision is completely blurry by now
Unable to focus
As you feel your eyes rolling up into your head.
Slowly and easily.
You feel your eyelids fluttering
More and more as your eyes roll up
Into your head…
And with a soft.
Relaxing sigh…
You feel yourself go completely limp now 
Your whole body simply falling
into their arms
Everything fades away
You feel them hold you for a moment.
Letting you easily and calmly inhale more
And more of the chloroform.
Just holding you.
Supporting you with your feet on the ground
But your body completely limp.
Helpless in their arms
If they were to let you go you’d fall.
But they would never let you go, 
They will protect you in your sleep…
After a few moments you feel the rag being moved away
And for the first time in minutes feel cool
Fresh air move into your lungs
But the chloroform is in your system
Keeping you deeply asleep
You can feel the person pick you up…
Cradling you in their arms
As they carry you away
Someplace safe
And warm
All the while completely helpless
Bouncing softly as they walk.
You can feel them laying you down.
On a soft, relaxing couch.
You can feel their hand sliding across your body…
In all the places you enjoy…
Only touching the places you know you would like
Whether they be simple… and relaxing
Or something more intimate… and exciting.
Just let your body sink into the couch
And feel their hands
Sliding along your body
Helping you to relax…
And enjoy this feeling…
And totally now…
In whatever way you want, to enjoy this now  .

You can stay asleep, 
For as long as you’d like…
And when you're ready to wake up….
You can simply take a deep slow breath.
Of clean fresh air
And then allow your mind to wake up…
As quickly or slowly as you would like.
But until then…
Simply let yourself sleep.
Deeply asleep…
And feel the chloroform keeping your mind clouded
And asleep…
For as long as you would like…

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