Thursday, October 29, 2020

Vampire at the Ball

Just allow yourself to get comfortable

And let your body relax

You can focus on the spiral for as long as you like

Or allow your eyes to close if they get heavy. 

And just listen…

To the sound of my voice… 

And let yourself simply


Deeper and deeper. 

Taking in a nice deep breathe

And letting it out slowly

As the world around you fades away

And you sink deeper

And deeper 

Down into my words. 

And as you sink

And the world around you fades away

Another world starts to take its place

You see yourself in an elegant ballroom

You can see the people around you dancing

The music playing

Candle and lights setting the mood as the people spin

And dance all around. 

Take a moment to notice your surroundings. 

Nothing layout of the room

The decor

The more details you notice

The more vivid it will become for you now. 

Take a moment also, to notice your clothing. 

The perfect attire for this fancy ball. 

Fitted perfectly to your body's shape and size. 

Just take a moment to become aware of how it feels on your skin

How it moves with you. 

Tight enough to make you look as attractive as ever

But loose enough in all the right places

To allow you to move easily 

And gently. 

As you stand by the edge of the dance floor

You notice several people steal a glance at you

And catch that slight smile as they notice you look. 

That embarrassment that washes over a person

When they get caught checking someone out. 

You feel the rust of knowing that several people

Seem to enjoy just how good you look

Despite having a dance partner already

They can’t help but steal a glance

You can try to hide the smile that seems to wash over your face

As the sense of confidence washes through your body

And mind

As you start to walk the edge of the dance floor

Allowing yourself to be seen. 

Feeling more confident than ever

And letting the energy of the room 

Build that confidence. 

And carry you further

And deeper into trance

With every step you take

As you glance along the various people dancing

Your eyes lock onto the eyes or another… 

A person across the dance floor. 

Unlike the others who blush and turn away

This person remains focused on your eyes. 

Staring back at you deeply, with a smile. 

A confident smile. 

You feel yourself… 

Freeze... in place. 

You let out a soft gasp and as you stare back at their eyes. 

The person looking at you is the most attractive

Most confident person you’ve ever seen. 

They have all the features that catch your attention instantly

And hold it… 

You can’t help but stare

You feel your heartbeat rising

Slowly and steadily as they simply 


Deeply into your eyes…

The more you look the more deeply you seem to feel yourself

Being pulled into their gaze.

Thoughts simply seeming to go on pause

You feel as if the person can see all the way inside of you… 

Into your soul…

But then a pair of dancer moves between you and the person

And the gaze is broken. 

You feel your body and mind come back to life

Free to move

Free to think

You feel yourself blinking as you regain control

Realizing that the person across the room

The person who was staring so deeply 

And confidently into your eyes from afar

Has simply…


You scan the dance floor 

Sweeping your gaze over the people dancing

But the person appears to have simply vanished. 

You move around the dance floor

Ignoring all of the dancers

Looking for that one person

The one whose gaze held you in place. 

You make your way around the dance floor

To where they had been standing when you saw them 

But all you find is an empty space where they once stood

You glance around. 

And happen to glance back at where you had been standing…

And come eye to eye with the person

Watching you 

Staring deeply into your eyes

From across the dance floor again. 

Back where you had been 

Just a few moments ago. 

The moment you make eye contact

You feel your body gasp

And pause

Breathing deeply

You can feel your heart beating. 

Faster and faster

But you can’t move. 

Your thoughts seem to have stopped as well

All you can do is stand there… 

A look of surprise

Frozen on your face

As you stare deeply into their eyes. 

You can feel their eyes pulling you in

More and more deeply

Easily captivating you

Holding you where you are. 

You become aware that they are getting closer

Moving through the mass of dancers on the ball room floor

Focused deeply on your eyes. 

Feeling their power as they get closer and closer

Floating smoothly

As if they weren’t even touching the ground. 

Drifting between the dancers. 



As if they weren’t even there. 

But you can see them. 

You can feel them. 

As they get closer… 

And closer

You feel your mind sinking more and more under their spell. 

Captivated as they weave their way perfectly

Through the dancers

Almost unnoticed by the people around them

As if they weren’t even there…

Or as if the people around them 

Were under a different kind of spell. 

You feel their energy sliding through your mind

As they get closer and closer… 

And then, a pair of dancers moves in front of them. 

And once they move…

The person is gone…


You are instantly free to move

Your thoughts come back to you as you quickly

Scan the room again. 

Desperately searching for the person who has so easily. 

So deeply…

Captivated your attention…

You spin around to see if you can find the person. 

And come face to face with them. 

So much so you nearly bump into them. 

You feel their hands. 

Gentle, yet strong

Steadying you as you gasp in surprise

And stare even more deeply into their eyes. 

Up close you can see their eyes so clearly

See the color, so vividly

And see just how powerful their gaze feels. 

As you feel your body and your mind

Simply lock up,  

Freezing in place as all of your thoughts…

Simply stop…

The person moves in closer to you


Giving you a sexy, seductive smile. 

As they lean in closer to you

And slide their arms around your body. 

The moment you feel their touch, 

You feel a tingle move through your body

Almost like an electrical current. 

Subtle, and gentle

Exciting, and arousing

You feel it move ever so deeply into your body

As if by simply touching you

They could manipulate your body. 

Make it move as they command

All the while your mind simply blank

And open as you stare deeply into their eyes. 

They start to move towards the dance floor

And your body seems to react all on it’s own. 

Taking step after step

Towards the dance floor

Every step you take, takes you deeper

And deeper, into their power

Deeper and deeper

Into their hypnotic trance. 

You feel your body moving as if on autopilot

Your feet moving in perfect time

With the partner that has you completely captivated

Completely enthralled

Swaying around the dance floor

Not a single word is spoken

They move your hands into the right position

For the dance

And you move with them 

Perfectly timed to the music

Swaying and gliding across the floor

Completely unaware of the people around you. 

It’s as if they are just fading away

One by one… 

As you move. 

Their person gaze never breaks

It holds you… 

Deeply, completely enthralled

And entranced by their gaze

While their touch, the smile act of holding you

In the dance. 

Seems to keep your body completely

Under their sway

Like a puppet on strings

They can move you in any way they want. 

And you're helpless to resist. 

Time seems irrelevant to you in this state

Minutes seem like hours

Hours seem like seconds. 

You have no way of knowing how long you are here

How long you are simply dancing with the person that holds your gaze, your body, 

And your mind, under the sway of their deep hypnotic gaze. 

You're barely aware of the people around you. 

Fading away. 

One by one. 

The sound of the music getting fainter and fainter

The room itself starting to blur

And fade from view. 

All the matters to you is their eyes

Their deep hypnotic eyes. 

You’re barely aware of them stopping the dance. 

Holding you close as your body seems to stay in the same position

Arms wrapped around them 

Just staring into your eyes

You feel their hand slide along your face



The tingling of their energy

Their will sliding along your skin

And into your face

And your head

Your perception seems to fade even more

As you notice them leaning in

And feel their lips softly touching yours

As they do you feel a different wave wash through your body

You feel your arms become limp

And instantly fall to your sides

Your body seems to relax

But stay upright. 

As the strings that were once controlling your body

Seem to wiggle directly into your mind

Their kiss is slow


But with a passion

Almost a tease

And the effects of their power

Become to shape and manipulate your mind

As easily as they were able to manipulate your body. 

As the kiss breaks you hear yourself sigh


Your eyes are barely open

Almost closed

Barely able to make out the person in front of you. 

You feel their finger slide to the bottom of your chin

As they turn and start to walk away

And you simply follow. 

The finger on your chin keeps you in lock step with them. 

Completely dazed

Mind and body under the spell of the powerful person

Who has enthralled you, mind and body. 

Your not sure how you are walking

The steps blend from one to another

Taking you deeper and deeper

The dance floor and ball room

Completely forgotten

All the people, whose attentions made you feel so powerful

So confident

All for forgotten

Simply walking under the command

Of the one who has you enthralled

You find yourself someplace dark

And secluded. 

The person leading you stops and turns to you

A devious smile showing their extended fangs

You don’t react at all

Your not capable of it right now

Completely under their spell. 

You’re aware of them leaning in

Sliding their lips along your neck

Looking for the perfect place to stick their teeth

But the sensation causes shivers to go down your body

Tingle of excitement

Of pleasure

The most sensual, and sexual experience

And your simply captivated and staring blankly ahead

And then you feel it

Their moth sliding over the edge of your neck

And their teeth sliding into you. 

It doesn’t hurt. 

Not even a little

Instead it’s a rush of pleasure

You feel your body react as it would to a lover

To the deepest of pleasure shared with someone closer

Then anyone else ever could be. 

Your feel their power sliding through your body

Over your skin

And deeper inside

As if they are making love to your entire being

Mind, body, and soul

You feel their hand sliding along your body

And your pleasure doubles

You feel it deep in your mind. 

As your body twitches in climax

Again and again

The perfect feeling

As you feel yourself sinking

Deeper and deeper

Becoming limp

And loose

Falling into their arms

You feel them holding you easily

As the pleasure deepens inside of you


And limp

No longer able to stand

To think

Or even stay conscious

Your slip into deep sleep

While your body twitches in pleasure again and again. 

The world fades away 

And you feel them setting you down

Someplace soft

Someplace safe

Their will in your mind. 

Their kiss, on your lips… 

Their power coursing through you body

And their control deeply in your mind

You will feel it in your dreams as you sleep

Feel their will and their desire

What they want most. 

Dreams more exciting

And pleasurable then ever before. 

And you will feel them pulling you back

Back to this place

A desire to return

Again and again

Every time becoming deeper

And deeper

Every time falling more and more under their spell

You feel them slipping away now

As you sleep

And rest

When you awaken you will feel their power

Their energy

The pleasure they give you

Deep in your mind

Deep in your body

When you awaken…

Whenever you decide

For now simply sleep

And rest


Feeling their will

Deep inside. 





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