Monday, November 2, 2020

Healing Hypnosis

Allow yourself to get into a comfortable position. 

A place where your body can relax

And let go. 

A place where you can just sink… 

into whatever your sitting on

And simply focus on your body… 

As a whole. 

Allow yourself to become aware of every part of your body

Your arms…

And legs…

Your stomach…

And your chest…

And your head.

Start at the top of your head…

And slowly let your attention pass over your body. 

And as you do…

Focus on the muscles that you pass over. 

And focus on them loosening… 

And becoming limp…

And relaxed. 

Starting with the muscles in your forehead

And your scalp. 

Just let them completely let go…

And relax

You may feel your face start to sag

And your expression drop. 

It’s ok…

Just let all the muscles in your face

And head relax. 

And become lip and loose. 

As you do this you may feel a tingling sensation. 

In your scalp… or in your ears. 

Not everyone will feel this now…

But it’s normal if you do…

It’s your body relaxing. 

And letting blood flow into the parts of your body…

That were previously tensed…

And restricted. 

And just let your attention continue down. 

Down along your neck. 

Along your shoulders

And your chest. 

Taking the time to pay special attention

To every single muscle group that you come across

Focusing on the muscles…

One by one…

And giving them permission to loosen. 

To relax

You may feel them twitch as they do so…

This is a good sign….

This means that the muscles had been tense…


And the twitching is the muslce loosening little by little

It may feel weird at first…

And it’s ok to let yourself laugh a bit…

If you feel the need. 

Doing so will only help you release more tension…

To relax more effectively…

And more deeply now… 

Pay special attention to the muscles in your shoulders

Both by your neck…

And on the top of your back…

The muscles along your chest

And stomach

Muscles that people tend to tense up… 

And hold tightly…

Muscles that hold our stress

And tension. 

Just become aware of those muscles

And simply let them relax

And let go completely

One by one. 

Begin to feel how much easier you can breathe

Now much deeper you can breathe

As the muscles in your chest relax

Allowing your chest to expand as you inhale…

And relax… as you exhale. 

So easy to let your body sink into this relaxed state

Deeper and deeper… 

All the way down. 

Pay attention to your arms…

To your biceps and triceps

The tiny muscles around your shoulder joint

And your elbow. 

Allow those muscles to relax completely

And totally now. 

You may feel your arm falling a bit more deeply 

Sinking into gravity 

As you relax more and more. 

Just let yourself sink… 

Deeper and deeper 

So easily now. 

And follow your attention down your arms… 

To your forearms… 

And your hands…

And your fingers…

Become aware of each muscle 

Especially in your palms…

And fingers…

And let them relax

And loosen. 

One by one… 

It’s ok to give them permission to simply let go. 

And drift… 

Deeper and deeper… 

Into relaxation… 

If you need too…

You can stretch or squeeze your fingers

And then let them loosen. 

Doing so may help them to relax even more deeply….

And completely now…

And when your read…

Begin to focus on your lower back…

And continue to let the muscles relax…

And loosen….

Sliding down deeper and deeper…

Muscle by muscle

Allowing your attention to slide into your hips…

And your butt…

And letting all the large… 

Powerful muscles… in your butt and thighs…

Simply relax… and loosen. 

Like before you may feel them twitch…

As they relax…

Or they may simply become heavy…

And limp…

Sinking down under the pull of gravity…

There is no wrong answer…

There is only the answer that is right… for you… 

And just let your body relax more and more… 

Letting each breathe take you deeper..

And deeper…


Into relaxation…

Into peace…

As you sink down more and more deeply…

Letting the muscles around your knees…

Loosen and let go. 

The muscles that stabilize your knee

All the little ones… the ones you barely notice…

Just let them loosen and let go. 

As your attention slides down into your calves

And your shins…

And down lower and lower…

Into your ankles…

And finally into your feet. 

There are a lot of muscles in your feet. 

Far more then most people realize. 

Just let them all relax

One by one…

The muscles along the bottom of your feet. 

Along the top and sides…

And the muscles that control your toes…

Let them all relax. 

Let them all loosen. 

You may get the tiniest sensation…

That your feet are getting just a little bit bigger…

That's a normal sensation…

That is the feeling of the tense… 

tight muscles loosening…

And expanding to their normal size…

Just allow your attention to gently 

Slide over your body

And relax any muscles that you may find…

That are not already completely relaxed…

And calm now…

And as you scan over your body…

Allow your attention to fall on any areas of your body…

That are in need of healing… 

In need of repairs…

It could be an injury, current or from the past…

Or an illness that you may have… 

An infection, or a disease… 

Anything in your body that may be in need of healing…

In need of repair…

And just let yourself focus on this areas now…

Allow the muscles around this area to relax even more

This will allow your body to move blood…

And nutrients to the area…

To allow your immune system to move…

More freely… into the area now…

You may notice that area you are focusing on becoming…


Flushing as your body moves resources…

And blood flow… into that area. 

You can even visualize… 

In your mind…

The area of your body that is need of healing…

Being like a park… 

You can see the damage… 

The trees and flowers trampled and destroyed

Trash and litter strewn about… 

And just imagine the park being cleaned up… 

Little by litte the trash being removed…

Fading away, or being lifted out and recycled. 

See the trees and plants…

Starting to grow back… 

Stronger and more beautiful then before. 

And feel the part of your body…

The part that requires healing… 

Simply becoming stronger…

And healthier… 

It doesn’t matter how long it takes to clean up…

The more time you spend cleaning up.. 

The healthier you will start to feel.

The stronger your body will become… 

The more easily you will be able to breathe.. 

And relax now. 

Breathing slowly and easily… 

Letting your body take as much… 

Or as little time…

As it needs to too heal…

Envisioning the park in your mind… 

Slowly healing… 

Being cleaned up… 

And growing back even more beautiful…

Then you imagined before…


You are free to simply sit here now…

And continue to focus on healing up your body…

You can move from one location in your body to another… 

If you need… or want too… 

So you can focus on the same location… 

For as long as you need.

It’s ok if you don’t feel that you are fully healed in one day…

You can always come back again later..

And give your body more time… 

More time to rest…

And to heal…

And be sure when you wake up…

That you take care of yourself… 

Giving yourself proper nutrition…

And exercise… 

So that your body can stay strong..

And continue to grow…

To fulfill its potential…

And allow you to become the perfect version… 

Of yourself…

The version you were intended to be. 

Strong and healthy…

In every way…

You are free to stay in this state…

For as long as you would like…

And when you are ready to wake up…

Simply allow your focus to come back to the real world…

And take a deep slow breath… 

And wake up…

But until then…

Simply relax…

And enjoy this time…

This time to heal…

And become stronger…

Becoming the perfect version…

Of you…

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