Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Chloroform Encounter Script

This is the full script for the Chloroform Encounter Hypnosis Experience that can be found here!

If you are concerned about what the video may hold please read the entire script carefully, and remember that all hypnosis is self hypnosis you can wake up at any time simply by taking a deep breath and opening your eyes.


Just allow yourself to relax 
And simply find a comfortable position
And feel your body simply sinking into whatever you are sitting on.
And allow yourself to breathe
Comfortable and easily
As you let the world around you simply fade away…
Always remembering that no matter what happens here…
In this hypnotics space
You are always safe  …
And as the world around your completely fades away
Imagine yourself…
Simply walking…
It can be anyplace that you like…
Any place that you enjoy
A place where your feel comfortable
Just take in all the sights and sounds of the place around you
As you feel yourself walking
By step…
Deeper and deeper now…

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Bondage Hypnosis Induction Script

WARNING: Adult content!

This is the script for the hypnosis video that can be found Here!

Allow yourself to get comfortable…
And listen to the sound of my voice…
And simply allow the world around you..
To Fade away…
Just allow yourself take a few… slow…
Deep breaths…
And let yourself relax.
And as you relax…
imagine yourself, 
Sitting in a chair… a normal, simple
Four legged, wooden chair…
It has a high back with a head rest…
And wide, sturdy arm rests.
The kind of chair that when you sit down you just feel…
How strong the chair is.
How sturdy it is…

Doll Display Case

  Click here for Patreon Video: Doll Display Case - Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Doll Display Case Step into a world where f...