Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Hypnotic Snake Encounter

Click here for Visual Meditation:  Hypnotic Snake Encounter - Visual Meditation

Allow yourself to get into a comfortable position. 

Let your body sink into whatever it is that you are sitting on

And just feel your body relax

And loosen 

Allow all of the muscles to just

Let go now… 

And sink gently and easily down 

Feeling your body sinking

As your mind starts to drift away

Focusing on my words

More and more deeply

You can leave your eyes open 

And watch the spiral

Or simply allow your eyes to close

When ever you would like

Just letting my words slide deeper

And deeper

Into your mind. 

And as you relax


Into my words

Simply allow the world around you

To fade away. 

Slowly disappearing

As you imagine yourself 

Walking gently and easily

Down a forest path. 

Just listen to the trees 

Rustling as you walk

Feeling the breeze through your hair

As you gently take step

After step

Feeling the unevenness of the ground

The leaves and branches

Snapping and cracking

Beneath your feet. 

You can hear the birds singing

Softly through the forest

As you take step by step 

And sink deeper and deeper

Every step helps you to slide further and further down

Letting everything go 

And letting the world around you

Becoming more and more vivid. 

And as you walk

Deeper and deeper

Into the forest

So occupied with putting one foot

In front of the other

And simply relaxing in the woods

You don’t really notice

The birds all stop singing. 

A few of them even fly away. 

It doesn’t really cross your mind

What might have startled them. 

Instead you simply keep walking

Deeper and deeper into the forest. 

Step by step. 

The entire forest grows silent

All except for the sound of the leaves

Rustling in the breeze


And something else

Something hidden…

Beneath the sound to the rustling leaves

A different kind of rustling

Slow and methodical 

Moving closer and closer to you

As you walk you get a strange feeling

Washing through your body

The hair on the back of your neck stands up. 

Just a bit

And you feel as if…

You are being watched. 

Something distant…

In the forest

Locking it’s eyes on you. 

Moving closer and closer. 

As you scan through the forest…

You can’t tell which direction it’s coming from

The feeling of being watched

Seems to Comes from any direction, 

but where you are looking.

The more you look around, 

The more the feeling seems to get closer and closer

But still not able to pinpoint exactly where it is coming from…

And then

As if all at once

The feeling completely fades away

You feel calm and safe

As if there was nothing there at all.. 

As if there was never… 

Anything there to begin with. 

You start to walk 

Back down the path

Feeling… strangely calm

Sure that it was all

Just in your head…

Just in your mind…

And feel yourself taking

Step… after step…

As you walk calmly 

And softly through the forest

Hearing the rustling of your feet

As you walk…

And it’s soft echo

Off to your side. 

Only you realize…

That isn’t an echo. 

You stop and turn 

Looking to your side. 

Into the trees

And something catches your gaze

Something… pulls you in

You can feel yourself

Being held in place…

Not physically

But mentally…

As if your thoughts are unable to move

Unable to make you more

You stare helplessly out

Into the forest

As you again feel 

Like something is watching you. 

Something big

Something moving closer and closer

You feel your body tensing a bit

But you still can’t form the thoughts you need

The thoughts of running away. 

They simply slip from your mind

Before you can even think them… 

You become aware something

Moving closer and closer to you… 

You hear it rustling through the leaves all around you

And then finally you see it… 

Hidden in shadow

A pair of eyes moving towards you.

The eyes appear to be swirling with colors. 

Shifting from yellow

To green

To purple

Every shift draws you in 

Deeper and deeper

Your body still wants to move

It wants to run 

But your mind is being drawn in

Deeper and deeper. 

The longer you look the more you feel it

Slowly and easily…

Turning your mind off. 

Making you blank 

And helpless

You struggle to try and resist. 

Struggle to break away … 

And then it happens. 

Your hear your mind simply 


As everything fades away

You feel yourself smiling just a bit

So relaxed and calm

Your body slumps and relaxes

As you finally see the head 

Move out of the shadows. 

A massive snake

With it’s deep hypnotic eyes

Swirling into yours. 

Keeping you deep and relaxed

Deep and calm

You feel the snakes tail

Sliding along your body 

Up to your chin. 

And start to lead you… 

Lead you through the forest. 

Relaxed and peaceful

Grinning happily

You easily follow the snake 

Step by step

Deeper and deeper

Every step helps you sink even faster

All the while seeing the snakes eyes

Staring into yours

The colors swirling and spinning. 

You're barely aware of the snake's tail…

Gently sliding under your feet

So you begin to walk on the snakes body

Every step pulling you higher and higher

Into the trees

As you simply walk along the massive snakes body

Step by step

Again and again

Going deeper and deeper… 

You feel the snakes body 

Bouncing softly under your feet

Every step makes your body bounce

More and more

Feeling your arms hanging limp at your side. 

As the snake guides you up 

Into the trees

You feel your body going up and down. 

As the snake coils it body across two trees

And you walk across it’s out stretched body

But every step makes the snakes body sag

Lowering you closer

And closer to the forest floor

But then getting higher and higher

As you start to walk up 

The snakes body 

Into the next tree. 

Once you finally reach the tree top

You feel the snake tip you back. 

Your body falling along the snake’s


Strong body. 

You feel your arms and legs relax

As the body lifts you up. 

Higher and higher. 

Then starts to coil around you. 

Very loosely at first

But then getting tighter and tighter

As tight as you would like. 

The tighter it gets

The deeper you start to fall

The closer to sleep you start to get. 

Feeling the snakes coiled body 

Completely covering your

Only your face, and your feet

Are visible

As it continues to squeeze

Tighter and tighter

Until you reach the point

Where it is as tight as you like

As tight as you want. 

You see the snakes eye staring down

Deeply into yours

And you start to see the world

Fading away. 

Hearing the snake,

Hiss soothingly… 

And gently

As your mind drifts off to sleep

Feeling your body suspended in the coils

Helpless and relaxed

The snake has you

You can feel that now 

As you drift away to sleep.. 

And as you sleep

You’ll feel the snake moving you through the trees

Coiled around you

Keeping you safe and warm

But keeping you deeply hypnotized

Deeply asleep. 

Rocking you from side to side. 

Just letting you sleep 

And drift. 

When you finally wake up

You’ll find it so easy to just take a deep breathe

And come back to reality. 

Stretching out and enjoying how relaxed and calm you are. 

Until then… 

Just sink…

Into the coils… 

And sleep…




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