Monday, March 15, 2021

Chloroformed at the Movies


Click here to view the Video!

 There is a more explicit extended version of this video available on my Patreon account: Chloroformed at the movies | Extended Patreon Version

 The Hypnosis version of this video can be found here: Hypnotized at the Movies 

 Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
And focus on the spiral
See it spinning slowly and easily
As it pulls you in.
And just relax.
Allow your body to start to slow down.
Allow your breathing to become slow
And steady
And for everything else to simply
Slip away

With every word you hear you start to feel yourself
Falling deeper…
And deeper.
All the way down
Back into hypnosis.
Back into a nice deep
Relaxing trance.
You may start to notice your eyes becoming heavier
And heavier
It’s ok if you want to watch the spiral
Or allow your eyes to close
And see it swirling ever so gently
Round and round in your mind.
Pulling you down deeper
And deeper
Every time you see the spiral
Every time you hear my voice
Always slipping down.
And deeper now.
And as you sink
Just let the world around you fade away
Any sounds
Or distractions in the world around you
Will only help to remind you
That you are safe
And will only help to let you sink
Deeper into the experience
Deeper into the trance
Deeper into your mind.

Doing so very well now…
So deep and relaxed.
And as the world around you fades away
I want you to imagine yourself
In a dark… mostly empty movie theater
Allow the world around you to become clearer and clearer
In your mind
The feel of seat under neath you.
The dark room lit only by the glow of the screen
The shadows cast constantly moving and shifting as the light
And characters on screen seem to move
Constantly making the whole room feel alive
Even though it’s very static
Very dark.
You can smell the scent of fresh popcorn
Drifting in from the concessions area
And you can feel the occasional rumble
Of the sound system in the adjacent theater
But of course most of your attention is on the screen
On the movie infront of you.
Maybe it’s the plot that has you so wrapped up
Maybe it’s the action and adventure
Maybe it’s simply the main star and their unusually good looks
It really doesn’t matter what it is that draws you in
You just find yourself completely captivated by the movie now.
Completely and totally fixated on every single part of the film
So much so that the rest of the theater starts to drift away
More and more.
And only the movie really remains in your mind.
And one thing you notice on the movie
Is this one character that just seems to catch your eye.
Maybe the character reminds you of yourself.
The way they look, and movie, the way they talk
There is just something about them that just helps you
… to connect to them.
On a deep personal level.
Or maybe it’s something else…
Maybe they embody all the things you look for.
Or long for
In a partner.
The perfects, and attitude, the right way or behaving
Just the right balance of personal traits, and features to make you
Really just enjoy watching them on screen
To help you become invested in them.
Deeply and completely.
It really doesn’t matter what it is that you see on screen
You feel the deep connection
To this one specific character.
Just watching them on screen
Every movement.
Every word
Completely engrossed in what you see..
As you sit and watch
You can’t help but notice
As one of the other characters
Starts to sneak up behind the character
You find yourself so connected too.
Before they can react,
They are grabbed from behind
And a nice, clean
White rag is placed over their face.
You can hear them struggle
See them wiggling as they fight
Struggling and trying to yell
But the yell gets muffled.
Muted by the cloth
You see them struggling as hard as they can
Fighting against the person that has grabbed them.
You can see their eyes darting around
Trying to find out who it is that has them
But they can’t turn far enough
The hands of their attacker keep their head still
Cloth pressed to their face
As their other hands keeps them from breaking away
You see the person struggling
Flailing wildly
Swinging their arms
And kicking their legs
But it’s all in vein
They can’t seem to reach the person that grabbed them
Can’t see to get free
And every second that passes they get weaker
And weaker
Everything seems to just
Drift away
More and more
As they start to sink
You can see their flailing arms getting lower
And lower
Their feet seem to stop kicking
Their shoulders drop
The muffled yells turn into soft moans
As their eyes start to roll up
Up into their head
And gently cross just a bit
As they roll higher and higher
Their body starts to sink, and sag
And then all at once they just seem to sigh
Into the muffled cloth
And surrender to the chloroform
Surrender to sleep
Their head goes limp
And their body seems to completely
Let go now.
The only thing holding them up
Is the hands of the person that grabbed them
Pressing them tightly against them
Supporting their weight
You notice them take the cloth away
And you get a wonderful shot of the person on screen
The person that you connect with so much
Sleeping peacefully
Their face is slack and limp
Eyes closed
And mouth gently hanging open
Their mayb e more details
Details that you enjoy
Little things and you can pick out.
And see.
It’s all so engrossing
All so captivating.
That is…
Until you feel a hand reach around you behind your seat
Pressing your arms to the arm rest
And see a white, clean cloth
Being pressed to your face
You can feel a damp, cool spot directly over your mouth and nose
And feel a thick, heavy scent moving into your lungs.
You try to struggle
Try to shake yourself free
Shaking violently from side to side
But they have leverage on you
They can keep you pinned
Without issue.
You start to scream loudly
Not really scared
But excited
But not wanting to admit it.
But the screams get muffled into the cloth
And after all
It is a movie theater
Anyone that hears your screams simply ignores them
Thinking they are merely a scene in a movie
Playing out on the speaker system
You can feel yourself starting to fade
Starting to weaken
The cloth covers most of your face
But you can see the screen from time to time
The shadows bouncing around theater
Flailing your legs as best as you can
But you can’t move,
The person has you pinned
And every kick
Every wiggle
Your body starts to get heavier
And heavier.
You start to feel yourself sinking
Deeper and deeper
Down into sleep
Every breath makes your mind become more foggy
And heavy
And you just can’t help but start to fade
You notice just how much your own screams under the cloth
Seem to get weaker
And softer
They feel
More like a moan
With just a hint of pleasure
You realize just how much your enjoying this
How exciting it is
And with that realization
The last of your energy seems to slip away
You feel your feet and legs go limp and fall to the floor
You feel your arms become too heavy to list
Your body sink
And your head fall back against the arm rest
Your breathing slows
As the thick, heavy scent
Moves into your lungs
Filling them with sleep
And exhaling the rest of your energy
Your vision starts to blur
As you see less and less of the screen
You can feel the strain in your eyes as they roll
Up inot your head
Slowly crossing as they go.
And then that wonderful
Sigh of surrender
As your body lets go
Your mind simply stalls
And turns off
As you go completely limp
And relaxed against your seat
Feeling the person that chloroformed you holding you
Firmly against the seat until they are sure
You are asleep
And then they let you go…
As you sit there
Completely asleep
Completely blank
Slipping deeper and deeper
With every breathe
You feel the person that put you to sleep
Sliding into the seat next to you
You can feel their hand sliding along yours
You may be able to tell from the touch,
Who the person is, maybe it’s someone you know
Maybe it’s someone you trust.
Maybe all you can tell is their gender,
And maybe a little about their personality.
Are they strong, or gentle.
Do they have a firm touch
Or a soothing caress
Whichever you would like more of course
Or maybe you can’t tell anything at all.
Maybe you're far too deep
Far too asleep to really
Notice anything about the person next to you…
Maybe your not even aware at all
Of them sliding their hands over your body
Slowly and gently.
But your body is aware
It can feel their touch.
And it reacts.
Reacts in whatever way you find the most exciting
The most appealing.
Maybe they simply move their hands over your body
And help it to relax
Massaging and caressing
Or maybe they are exploring
Learning every detail of yoru body
Every part that makes your pulse raise
Just a bit
Every touch that drags you deeper
And deeper
Down into sleep.
Or maybe they have a more intimate touch.
Something that explores the parts of your body
That makes you feel pleasure
Makes your body react even more deeply
All while you sleep
Deeply and soundly
It’s all up to you of course
It’s all about what you really want to feel now…
You can allow them to gently explore your body
As the movie slowly plays on in front of you.
The lights and shadows on the screen playing off of yoru body
In the dark.
While your mind simply sleeps
This will continue for as long as you would like
And you can allow them to massage, or caress, or explore
Your sleeping body in whatever way you would most enjoy…
For as long as you would like…
And then, you’ll feel their hands simply sliding off of your body
And feel them disappearing into the dark theater
Leaving you to sleep.
Deeply and soundly
Unaware that anything has happened.
Unaware of the theater and the movie playing in front of you
Just deeply and completely asleep.
You’ll be able to wake up when your ready…
But for now simply enjoy the feel of their hands along yoru body
In all the ways that you woudl like
And sink deeper
And deeper
With every breathe,
With every touch.
With every caress
Just enjoy this again and again
And sink…
Into a deep

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