Monday, March 22, 2021

Pickup Artist as Hypnotist

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 Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
You can watch the spiral for as long as you would like
Letting it spin you down
Slowly and easily with every swirl it makes
And just feel yourself begin
To relax now.
Feel your muscles loosening
And letting go
Feel your mind and body
Simply relaxing
And drifting away
Into my words
Every word you hear carrying you deeper
And deeper
And as you sink
Just allow the world around you
To fade away
Completely and totally

Let everything just slip from your mind
And allow your eyes to gently drift closed
Let the world completely fade away
As you sink deeper and deeper
And allow a new world
To take its place
 Allow yourself
In your mind
To look at your clothing
And see that you are dressed to impress
Clothes are the comfortable,
Clothes that make you look
And feel
Your best.
And just allow the world around you
To  become more and more clear
Your someplace social
A party or a club
Someplace full of people all dancing
And looking for that… special someone.
But tonight you can feel you have the advantage
You can feel you have the edge.
There is a confidence in your step,
In your posture
A cool, calm demeanor
That just seems to radiate from you
In all directions.
You can see the people around you
Stealing a glance as you move through the crowds
All eyes seem to watch you
Not directly of course
It would be rude to stare
But you can feel them following you
And you hear the whispers
As they talk
And then you find them…
A person tucked away in the back of the room
Unaware that you are there…
The perfect mate for you
Just the right looks
Just the right body build
You can tell from the way they are interacting with the people around them
That they have just the right personality
Just the right level of confidence
To be just your type
And just take a moment and let this person
Become clear and vivid in your mind
Hear their voice as they talk with the people around them.
Let all the little details become clear to you
As you can feel yourself smile
As you start to approach them.
As you do you notice that they are so wrapped up
So engrossed in the conversation they are having
That they don’t even notice you approach.
Just let yourself slide up behind them
Just close enough, but not too close
Finding the best place to stand naturally and easily
As you simply say hello.
Your chosen target seems to be taken completely by surprise
As they turn around and gasp a bit
Unaware you were standing there,
Standing just close enough to be in their personal space
But not enough to be threatening.
You can see from their expression that they find instantly attractive
That they are trying to avoid looking you over
Or letting their face give away just how interested they are
But you can see the signs.
The slight lowering of their eyes for just a second.
A tiny smile that is only visible in the corner of their eyes
Before they get a chance to say anything
You start to talk…
Your voice is slow and rythmic,
Well rehearsed
Designed to help to put them at ease.
Designed to help them slip into a nice relaxed state
Hypnotizing them with every word you say.
You start to simple, telling them that you couldn’t help but notice them
That even from a great distance you realized….
That you would have to come over…
And see if they were the kind of person that you could really get to like
As you talk you weave a web of skillfully chosen words
Words that seem to slip right into thief mind
You can see their face relaxing a bit
As their pupils seems to dilate just a bit
They aren't going to fall asleep on you
But you can see that they are entering a trance
Slowly and gently
Every word you say weaves them deeper
And deeper under your spell…
Their responses aren’t much more then smiles
And nods
A few softly spoken agreements
As you continue to work your magic on their mind.
Their group of friends behind them looks on
As you skillfully seduce their friend.
The fact that others are watching…
Others your intended mate seems to have completely forgotten about
Only helps you to enjoy the experience even more.
As you talk with the person you choose
You step closer and closer to them.
You notice them seem to get a bit more nervous.
But they don’t back off.
As you gently start to tell them
That you can feel a connection between you
And them.
As you do you raise your hand and point to your chest
And describe a cord of light.
Moving between you
And them..
As you gently and slowly
Extend your hand and touch their chest with a single finger
In your mind you can see the cord of light
That you mentioned to yoru chosen target
You can see it running from your chest
To theirs
And as soon as it links up you can feel the connection
As if your two souls were blending
Merging together ever so briefly.
And you can see in their reaction that they feel the same way.
Their face seems to go slack just a bit
As they lean in just a bit closer
Before a soft smile washes over their face.
Their eyes light up, but you can see their pupils
Diliate just a bit.
A glaze washing over their eyes
All signs that you are getting into their mind
Getting them to think and feel
The way you want them too.
You can see the effect you're having.
Feeling it as they move closer and closer to you
You feel their hand gently slide up and rest on your stomach.
Slowly moving up your chest.
Not pushing their luck too much.
Just wanting to make a physical connection
To have a feeling.
An anchor to you.
You lean in closer to them and ask
Gently, seductively
If you could have a single liberty
And they agree
And in a slow
Almost tv romance style way
You lean in
Cupping their face in your hands
And kiss them.
Slow and gentle
But slowly making it deeper and deeper
Letting the kiss linger
As they respond.
But this isn’t just for pleasure.
As you kiss them you let your hand
Slide up to their ear.
And gently slide your finger along their ear.
A unique feeling
Something no one else has done.
Anchoring the feeling to them now.
As the kiss breaks you can’t help but smile
You see them starting into your eyes…
A look of lust,
But also a look of uncertainty
They realize they’ve never felt this way before
They don't’ know how to react
They know how they want to react
But they lack the ability to think it through
So you make the decision for them.
You lean in closer to them and whisper
Telling them that you think it’s time, the two of you left.
They nod nervously, not really moving, just seeming
To go along with you.
As you move towards the door they lean their head against your shoulder
Their friends and fellow club mates completely forgotten
As they look on in shock.
As you move out into the night,
And find their car.
Sliding into the car with them
As they start to drive you to their place.
You keep quiet for most of the drive
Simply sliding a single finger
Along their hand,
Along their arm
Along their leg
Looking at them.
Watching them blush
As they glance at you
And smile
Focusing on the road
But really not wanting too.
After what seems like hours to them
But only minutes to you
You arrive at their place
They smile and nervously invite you in.
Their place is nice
But as they walk through the door
You gently lean in to them.
You can see them gasp,
Feel their breathe along your face
As you lean in closer and closer
And slide your finger along their ear
Like you did before.
You see their pupils dilate just a bit as they feel that sensation
And lean in to you
Back into a kiss
You can tell the last of their resistance
Their nervousness is fading away.
You’ve successfully seduced this person.
The person that caught your eye.
You can tell from the look in their eyes
From the feeling in their body
That all decisions have been made
And as they pull you into their bedroom
You can’t help but smile at how exciting
How thrilling the whole experience was
And as you let your mind run
With all of the things that you could do
With this perfect person,
This person that is so perfectly attractive to you now
Your mind can run through all of the possibilities
All of the pleasures that you two could do together.
And feel them with you
In every way you’d like
In every way you’d dream about
And then you can let yourself
Experience the perfect ending.
Do you stay with them the whole night through
Or do you leave as they sleep
Maybe leaving a note
Maybe being the mysterious stranger who shared their bed
It’s all up to you
And what you find the most exciting.
You can stay in this experience here for as long as you’d like
You can enjoy your partner again and again..
And when you ready
You can simply let the fantasy fade
And wake up.
But for now…
Simply enjoy this perfect person
In all the ways you’ve dreamed about
Again and again…

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