Monday, March 29, 2021

Pick Up Artist as Subject

 Click here for Video! Pickup Artist (Subject Version)

There is a more explicit, extended version available on my patreon! Pickup Artist, as Subject | Extended Patreon Version

 Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position,
A place where you can watch the spiral
And allow your body and mind
To simply relax
And let go
To let the world around you
Slowly fade away
As you focus on the sound of my voice
Focus on your body
And letting go

Feeling the muscles all just sinking
Deeper and deeper
Into trance.
You can feel everything fade away
As your breathing becomes relaxed
And easy.
You can even focus on the feeling of your breath
Moving in
And stretching out your chest
And then moving out.
And relaxing down
As you relax it’s ok if you want to let your eyes close
And let the world around you fade away
Completely and totally now.
Let the world around you fade away,
Let your body simply feel like it’s floating
Softly and easily on a cloud
Soft and gentle
And allow a new world to form around you
Someplace public
And social.
A club, or a bar,
A party, or a holiday.
People all around you
Strangers moving around and enjoying the music
Enjoying the atmosphere.
While in front of you you see a group of your friends,
They can be close friends, or co workers
People you are deeply connected too
Or simply the ones most likely to enjoy a good party
Everyone talking and laughing
While you face the group, telling a story.
Your friend focused on you and responded.
Everything feels right. And calm
You’re in your element, even if this wouldn’t normally
Be your element.
You feel completely comfortable here…
Like this is perfectly right for you, today.
And as you and your friends talk,
You notice your friends look behind you,
As if they are watching something,
Or someone else.
And then you hear it..
Softly in your ear.
A simple.  Hello.
The voice sounds perfect to you.
Soothing yet confident,
The exact kind of tone that you like
Maybe even an accent,
If that’s your thing.
The comment comes
When you least expect it.
And you can hear yourself gasp in surprise.
Feel the adrenaline rush through your body
As it reacts to the startle.
You spin around and see a person…
Standing inside of your personal space
Not close enough to be threatening,
But closer then you’d normally allow a person to be
But there is something about this person.
A confidence
An allure that draws you in.
You notice their eyes,  
Gently staring into yours
And you can feel a connection with them.
Feel a power as they draw you in.
And even though they don’t look
Exactly like the kind of person you go for,
There is something about them,
Something in their eyes
In their smile
That just draws you in.
A pull that just makes you realize,
Just how attractive they are,
And how compelled you are to talk to them.
You glance over their body,
As quickly as you can,
Not wanting to be caught taking a peek
And find yourself leaning in just a bit
Impressed with just how attractive their body is.
Maybe it’s what you usually look for
Maybe it’s something you never realized you’d like
Or maybe, just maybe,
It’s their attitude,
The way they talk
The way they stand
The way they seem to be looking
Deeply into your eyes.
Into your soul
That makes them so attractive.
As you try to compose yourself
As quickly as you can, trying to say hello
But before you get the chance
The person speaks up for you
They apologize
In a very honest, yet seductive tone
Saying that they had seen you here…
And just… had to come to talk to you…
They needed to see if you
Were the kind of person that they could…
really … get to like.
Their words seem to just
Slide right into your mind.
Like a challenge
Like for some reason you need to find a way
A way to make this person realize
And see all the things about you
That are likable
But at the same time…
You realize that you want nothing more
Then to let them in,
Show them all the sides of you,
The hidden…
Private sides that you only share
With those who are…
Really special.
Really close to you.
As you sit and make small talk with them,
Your friends are behind you
Watching completely in shock
You don’t even realize they are there
Don’ teven remember you were talking to them
Completely focused on the person in front of you.
You’ve completely forgotten they were even there.
You see the person in front of you get closer
Your not sure if they took a step
Or if you did,
You don’t really care
The closer you get the more details you can pick out
About their voice
Their eyes.
The one of their voice.
You can even feel their breath softly on your skin.
The person in front of you seems to smile
And starts to ask you
If you’ve had a situation…
Where you meet someone
And things just seem to…
[snap fingers]
Where it’s like there is this connection
Between you…
And them…
Like there is this cord of light
That stretches out from them
To you…
As you watch them talk you see them
Touch their own chest…
And then very gently move their hand
To your chest
And softly place a single finger
On your chest.
The moment you feel their finger,
Gently touch your chest
It’s like you can see this cord of shining light
Stretching from their chest
To yours
You can feel, an energy,
A connection.
As if you could glimpse into their soul.
For just a bit.
It feels like you were always meant to be
Always destined to be here…
Like it was fate bringing the two halves of your soul
As you look up from your chest
Looking into their eyes again.
You realize that they are even closer then before
Standing nose to nose with you
A smile on their lips
You can feel how nervous you are
But how excited
At them being this close
They belong this close
You can feel that,
Through the connection
It just feels..
Before you can say anything
They cut you off and simply ask
If they can have a single
Small indulgence
Looking into your eyes they tilt their head
You part your lips as if to answer
But no words come out
Just a soft moan
A mumble
An echo of the thoughts you're trying to form.
Before your mind has time to catch up
They lean in and kiss you
Your parted lips pressed deeply into theirs
As you feel their tongue glide slowly between them
Your eyes seem to flutter close as you lean into the kiss
Inhaling sharply through your nose in surprise
But responding with a passion,
An energy you haven't felt in a long long time.
You feel as if you’re entire body is just floating
On a cloud
Standing there in their embrace
In their kiss…
You’re barely aware of the feeling of their finger
Sliding along the side of your ear
Gently caressing your ear lobe
Sending a shiver down your body
It almost seems to distract you from the kiss
But only for a moment
And then you focus back on the source of pleasure
The soft, passionate kiss..
As the kiss breaks your eyes open
Staring deeply into their eyes
They are close enough you can see your reflection
In the shine of their eyes
You look almost blank
You feel helpless in their gaze
But at the same time it feels…
Oh so right…
You hear them whisper
That the two of you should probably
Go someplace more private.
You find for the first time that you start to reply
A simple nod.
And before you know it your being led out
Softly by the arm
As they hold you close
Guiding you to the door.
You feel so excited,
Helpless but safe
Like your on a roller coaster
Completely unable to effect where you go
Helpless to change directions
But loving every second of it.
You don’t even realize you’ve completely abandoned your friends
That they are still sitting where they were.
Watching you leave with a complete stranger
In total shock
Unable to grasp what they just saw.
As you feel the cool night air hit your body
You hear the person with you say that you should drive
And you give a smile as you grab your keys.
You open the door for them and run to the other side
As quickly as you can.
Feeling the car shaking beneath you as the engine starts
And you begin to drive.
Keeping your eyes on the road
And wishing you lived closer
You don’t remember the drive there taking this long
As you come to a stop light your foot
Taps softly against the floor boards
You want to seem calm and relaxed
But you can’t believe just how long this light is taking.
And then you feel their finger.
A single finger
Sliding along your hand
Slowly and tenderly
Starting at your wrist
And sliding down the top of your hand
Along your finger
And then slowly between them
You glance at your hand…
Shaking with excitement.
Feeling that one lone finger
Feel more pleasurable then most massages
More intimate then most lovers
All from a single finger
And then the light turns green
And you have to control yourself
Barely stopping yourself from stomping on the pedal
You manage to get yourself, and your guest home safely
And walk them to your door.
Nervously shaking as you fumble with your door key
And open the door.
And invite them in.
For the briefest of moments you panic
Quickly looking around your house
Relieved to see that it’s clean
You breathe a sigh of relief
And then feel yourself pulled into another kiss
And more pleasurable then before
Their tongue sliding along yours
As you feel their finger
Move along your ear perfectly
Everything feels right
Everything is perfect
For the briefest of moments you can’t help but think
That this sort of thing…
Isn’t something you do…
But then you realize you don’t care
This is exactly what you want,
Right now
And for the first time in the whole evening
You make a decision
You make a move
And start to pull this person person
Towards your bedroom.
All decisions have been made
You want this.
You need this
And you help but smile
At just how thrilling the whole situation
Is for you now.  
And as you let your mind run
With all of the things that you could do
With this perfect person,
This person that is so perfectly attractive to you now
Your mind can run through all of the possibilities
All of the pleasures that you two could do together.
And feel them with you
In every way you’d like
In every way you’d dream about
And then you can let yourself
Experience the perfect ending.
Do they  stay with you the whole night through
Or do they leave as sleep sleep
Maybe leaving a note
Maybe being the mysterious stranger who shared your bed
It’s all up to you
And what you find the most exciting.
You can stay in this experience here for as long as you’d like
You can enjoy your partner again and again..
And when your ready
You can simply let the fantasy fade
And wake up.
But for now…
Simply enjoy this perfect person
In all the ways you’ve dreamed about
Again and again…


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