Monday, November 8, 2021

Bound Doll Transformation


Ever wonder what it would be like, to have your bodied tied up while your mind, and maybe even your body is slowly transformed into that of a doll, able to be posed and controlled, all the while completely unable to think? In this requested video we will explore that very idea!

This video comes in four different versions!

Normal Version
Normal Version with 15 minutes of meditation

And two Extended Patreon Exclusive Versions: Bound Doll Transformation - Extended Patreon Versions
(With and Without the meditation section)

There is also an Outtake video that you can find here: Outtakes for Bound Doll Transformation

As well as a chat session log that was used to create this script:
Bound Doll Transformation - Session Log

and a bonus log with me having fun with my newly transformed friends: Dollies Bonus Trance

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just let yourselves get comfortable
and focus on my words
and just let them
slide nice and deep into your mind
and feel your body starting to relax
more and more
with every word that you see
you can feel the relaxation
starting in your head
and slowly loosening
all the muscles
in your scalp
in your jaw
and in your face
and moving down
your body
more and more
relaxing everything
slowly and easily
down your shoulders
down your chest
down your arms and your stomach
feeling your mind becoming
more and more focused
more relaxed
as you just sink
deeper and deeper
for me now.
you feel the relaxation
moving down your hips
and your legs
down your knees
and your ankles
down into your feet
letting your body completely
and let go
as you just sink
into this wonderfully relaxed
and calm state
and you sink
as you relax
you begin to feel a cord.. .
a special kind of cord
wrapping around your wrist
in your mind.
and in your mind
you feel it sliding
along your wrist
and pulling tight
as you pull against it
in your mind
the harder the pull
the more it pulls your arm
in the other direction
you struggle more and more
until you feel another cord
wrapping around your other wrist
and pulling your arms apart
you feel yourself being stretched
as far as you'd like
as far as you feel comfortable with
pulling your arms up above your head
just a bit
as you struggle to pull your arms back down
you feel another cord
wrap around your ankle
first the left one...
and then the right...
as you try to kick them away
you feel your legs being pulled
slowly apart
as the cords pull your legs
slowly and easily apart
you feel the cords along your wrists
pulling your arms back
slowly and easily
you feel yourself start to fall
start to slip
only to feel the cords
catch you
and hold you
suspended in the air
you feel weightless
and free
as the cords pull your arms and legs
further and further apart
only as far as you feel comfortable
only as far as you like
leaving you spread out
the more you struggle
the more you pull
the stronger they get
and the more vivid it becomes for you
you find yourself
completely helpless
completely unable to pull against them
the more you struggle
the deeper you fall
as you see another cord
slowly lowering down
towards your head
you can see it almost glowing
a nice bright yellowish white
as it lowers down
closer and closer to your head
maybe you start to struggle even more
maybe you start to flinch and twist
or maybe you simply watch the cord
lowering closer and closer
down towards your head
but whatever you do
your struggles are all in vain
your helpless
and the cord simply slides down
and touches your head
and wherever you imagine feeling the cord
touch your head
you feel a deep
compelling energy
slide into your head
slide into your brain
slide into your very mind
feeling your thoughts
being bound
and tied
feeling them
one by one
being wrapped up
and subdued
tightly and neatly
and pushed into the back of your mind
until your mind is simply
you feel your body stay suspended
your body twitching and struggling
from time to time
unable to pull away
while your thoughts
are simply bound
one by one
taking you deeper
and deeper
time passes slowly
minutes seem like hours
as you feel yourself
and helpless
breathing deeply
and slowly
feeling the cord in your mind
keeping your thoughts
any thoughts that come up
are simply tied
simply bound
simply rendered
calm and peaceful
nice and deep
deeper and deeper
[five minute gap just repeat the phrases above]
as time passes you start to feel the cord
the cord in your mind
start to wiggle through your mind
though your thoughts
crafting images
and desires
what it would be like to be a doll
simply helpless to move on your own
sitting motionless
unable to react
simply helpless
but easily moved
easily controlled
maybe by someone moving your body
or maybe by a string
manipulated like a puppet
you start to see yourself
someplace you know
someplace safe
maybe in private
or maybe in public
a big happy grin on your face
staring blankly
out into nothing
breathing softly
and easily
a perfect doll
you can feel someone
maybe someone you trust
or someone you desire
manipulating your body
moving your arms and legs
posing you
from one position
to the next
all the while completely unthinking
feeling everything
every touch
every change in position
every motion
they can even change your expression
and with it
the emotion that you feel
from a smile
to a laugh
and you feel your heart pounding
like your watching the funniest movie
you've ever seen.
you may even let out a laugh in real life
i'ts ok to do that
you'll simply find it helps your mind
to empty even more
and then they change your expression again
to something serious
and thoughtful
and you feel yourself
become calm
and focused
still unthinking
the perfect doll
in mind and body
as you stay there
suspended by the cords
the fifth cord deep in your mind
giving you these images
you imagine what it would be like
to be a different kind of dolly
one that's on strings
one that can be moved
from afar
you imagine yourself walking down the street
or thought a crowded store
people all around you
never noticing the cords
the cords around your feet
around your ankles
the cord deep in your mind
keeping you blank
you can feel yourself moving
a clunky
kind of jerky motion
maybe a smile on your face
or maybe just the kind of blank
neutral expression
that you see on most people
walking down the street
but yours is different
your blank inside your mind
completely helpless
as you are moved
step by step
in your mind
all the while completely suspended
the cords keeping you from moving
while the fifth cord
keeps your mind blank
and fills it with the thoughts
that it wants
deep in your mind
doing so well now, so perfectly well
and as you hang there
while images of being posed
shift through your mind
you feel your body being lowered
by the cords
and maybe
if you'd like
you can feel your body changing
changing into a dolly
feeling your skin turning to plastic
or soft fabric
or any other material
that you think would make you
even more of a perfect dolly
you can feel your limbs becoming stiff
and rigid
as if there was something inside
keeping them in place
your mind completely blank
and open
unable to think
pliable like the dolly you have become
maybe you transform completely
inside and out
into a dolly
or maybe you stay as a human
controlled by the cords
it's all up to you
it's all up to whatever you feel
would suit you
the best...
you finally feel yourself
lowered to the ground
your feet on the floor
but the cords keeping you upright
the cord in your mind
keeping you blank
and unaware
feeling your body
having been turned into the perfect dolly
whatever that would mean for you
and you can see
and feel yourself
being posed
and manipulated
maybe by the cords
or maybe by hand
you felt this once before in your mind
but now
it's happening to your body
your a perfect doll
able to be posed and moved
blank and unaware

[ten minute segment]
just let that image
solidify in your mind
would you be posed by the cords
or by hand
would you be sit on display somewhere
or moved through a crowd
like a mannequin
or a puppet
it's all up to you
and for the next few minutes
I'd like you to just
be that perfect doll
whatever that mean to you
stiff and rigid
unable to move on your own
unable to think
deeply controlled
controlled by the cords
a perfect dolly
inside and out
you are free to stay in this state
a good little dolly
being controlled and manipulated
for as long as you would like
and when you already to wake up
you can simply take a deep breathe
and allow your mind to clear
and wake up
but until then
simply enjoy
being this perfect dolly
controlled and blank
for as long as you'd like

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