Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sticky Gas and Carry

Ever wonder what it would be like, to find yourself surrounded by a fog of knock out gas... and realize that the more you move the more the gas effects you? In this video, inspired by a friends fantasies, we'll explore that idea, as well as light bondage, and carrying.

You can find the video here: Sticky Gas and Carry

And the version done by female hypnotist Kalliope: Sticky Gas and Carry - Kalliope Version

There is a longer, more adult version of this video that can be found here: Sticky Gas and Carry | Extended Patreon Version

And a special version voiced by female hypnotist Kalliope: Sticky Gas and Carry - Kalliope Extended Version

You can also find the log of the hypnosis session that was used to create this video here: Sticky Gas and Carry - Hypnosis Session Log

and of course the outtakes: Outtakes for Sticky Gas and Carry

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can easily just relax
and follow my words
you've been here so many times before
you know what it's like to simply
let go
and sink into my words
more and more deeply
easily down.
you can feel your body starting to relax
and let go
while you feel your mind
gently fogging over.
The fog is warm
and soothing
as you feel it rolling over your mind
and your body
clouding away your thoughts
soothing your muscles
to simply relax
and drift down
deeply and easily
down into whatever it is
that you find yourself relaxing on now.
the more you pay attention
the more the world around you
just seems to fade away
little by little
until there is nothing
nothing but the fog
and my words
and as you relax there
with the warm
soothing fog
all around you
you being to find yourself
in your mind
relaxing in a steam room
maybe you're alone
maybe there are others with you
or people you are comfortable with
it's all up to you...
just take a moment
to allow the scene around you to form
to feel the warm steam on your skin
to become aware of how warm
and relaxed you're feeling
it's such soothing place to be
Nothing can disturb you here.
just the words and steam
pulling you down.
deeper and deeper
into a nice
relaxed state.
as you find yourself
relaxed and calm
you decide to leave the steam room
and go take a soothing
relaxing shower
feeling the warm water flowing over your skin
over your body
washing away all of the sweat
from the steam room
and just letting yourself
feel the water raining down
on your favorite part of your body
maybe it's the top of your head.
bouncing repeatedly and softly
along your scalp
maybe you like to feel it
beating softly against your neck
and shoulders
the feel it along your back
or chest
it's all up to you.
just let yourself
feel totally relaxed
and calm now.
so peaceful
as you allow yourself to step from the shower
and stretch out in your mind
so peaceful.
and relaxed
that you barely notice
that you are completely alone
everyone else that seemed to have been here
seems to have left
as you allow yourself to get dressed
and are about to leave the locker room
you start to notice a thick
puffy fog
rolling in along the ground.
it has a slight green tint to it
and seems to be heavy
staying close to the ground
moving and rolling like ocean waves
in very slow motion
completely silent
as you go to leave you become aware
that this strange fog is between you
and your exit
as you start to walk through the fog
you notice that it has a thick
heavy feeling to it
it moves out of your way
but seems to take more effort
then you would expect
it also seems to stick to your legs
to your feet
as you walk
every step kicking up more and more
of the thick green fog
you can't help but wonder
can't help but be curious
as you let your hand drift through the fog
and notice...
that the fog stays...
stuck to your hand
the more you try to push it off
the more it sticks
a few pieces may fly off
here or there
but your hand is now coated
in this nice
greenish fog
you begin to notice that your hand
and your feet
start to tingle
start to feel numb
like they are falling asleep.
you find that every step
that you take through the fog
seems to be getting harder
and harder
for you to move
your body seems to be falling asleep now
you manage to reach the exit
and notice that the fog
is rolling in under the door
and quickly realize that the door itself
is locked from the outside
as you turn to make your way through the fog
step after step
getting harder
and harder
you feel your body getting more and more heavy
but you keep going
every step kicking up more
and more of the fog
having it get stuck
stuck on your legs
on your other hand
every place it touches
it sits
and makes your body
start to feel tingly
and relaxed
you feel your legs getting wobbly
the hand you stuck through the fog is now completely asleep
and limp
you can't move your fingers
and the fog is slowly creeping up your arm
making it hang limp
and loose
at your side
your legs start to wobble
walking seems
to be getting harder
and harder for you
you try to reach out with your arms
to help you balance
but your one arm is completely asleep
and the other is quickly following it
you feel yourself stumble
and fall gently...
to one knee
the fog being pushed up over your stomach
and chest
as you fall a bit more forward
catching yourself just a bit
with the arm that you can still move
but the fall sends more of the fog
up and over your body
you feel every muscle that is supporting you
starting to shake and shiver
you can feel them slowly turning off
despite your best efforts
you struggle, a valiant effort
but then you start to sink
your body falling just a bit more
you manage to catch yourself
with the last bit of energy you have
in your arm
so you end up landing softly
but the landing pushes the fog
up onto your face
onto your head
you can feel the fog sliding into your lungs
deeply and easily
all the way down inside
every breath makes you feel
your mind fogging over
almost instantly
as you feel your body
and mind
more and more deeply
as you find yourself
beginning to simply
down into sleep
a deep
relaxing sleep
you feel your eyes flutter closed
as your last gasp of energy
and you surrender
you succumb
to sleep now.
your not sure how long you are left there
the fog around you sliding over your body
sliding into your lungs
and numbing your mind
leaving you limp
and helpless
your not sure how long it takes
before the fog fades away
and you feel a person slowly lift you
off of the ground
carrying your limp
helpless form.
maybe they are carrying you
cradling you in their arms
with your feet and head
bobbing slowly
and helplessly
with every step
maybe they gently threw you
over their shoulder
as they carry you
head bouncing around
as your arms hang limp
it's all up to you
it's all up to whatever you
feel the most comfortable with.
as you are carried
you may find that you notice
something about the person
something that lets you know who they are
maybe they are someone you trust
someone you have a relationship with
or maybe it's a secret crush
that you've always admired
or fantasized about...
or maybe as you are carried
helpless and asleep
you find that you simply don't know
anything about the person
they are a mystery
a perfect stranger
it's really all up to you
and what you find the most exciting
but after you are carried
for quite a while
you find yourself being laid down
you find that you feel safe
that this place
wherever you are
is very private
and safe
you feel your body
slowly starting to wake up
the fog clearing
but the fog is thick
and your body is so helpless
so relaxed
you find yourself stirring
letting out a soft moan
as you try to slowly
easily wake up
your eyes flicker open
just a bit
not enough to even see the person
the person that has captured you
just enough to get an outline
just enough to help the fantasy
before you feel a spray
softly along your face
it's cool and airy
and you feel it easily
and gently
slide deeply into your lungs
you feel your eyes roll up into your head
you hear your body let out of a soft sigh
as you completely
deeper and deeper
back down to sleep
completely limp
completely helpless
all the places that you'd like to feel
touching and caressing
you notice them moving your hands
slowly and easily behind your back
and sliding a pair of soft
almost fuzzy handcuffs
along your wrists
so soft that if it wasn't...
for the nice metallic
of the cuffs
you wouldn't even know they were metal
not that you could struggle
not that you could resist
your completely limp
and helpless
as you feel their hands
and tenderly
gliding along your body
feeling all the places
that you long to be touched
in just the right ways
ways the help you to relax
ways that help to...
your completely helpless body
building the pleasure inside of you.
more and more as they do.
you'll be able to feel them
sliding their hands along your body
in all the places
that you really want to feel
them explore
you'll be able to feel
whatever pleasures
you feel comfortable with
and be able to explore
all of the details...
that you find appealing
about this... particular
but when you find yourself
feeling that you're read to wake up
you'll feel... in the fantasy
you're eyes starting to flutter
starting to open
body still helplessly limp
and relaxed
and again see their silhouette
too shadowed to see
any real detail
only enough to give you
a feeling...
an idea
of if you know them or not.
and then you'll feel them slide a finger
along your jaw
to your chin...
and tilt your head up.
you'll hear their voice
maybe a voice you recognize
maybe my voice..
or maybe the voice of a stranger
simply whisper to you
"back to sleep..."
and then feel them
kiss you softly
and tenderly
the combination of the words
and the kiss
will act on your mind
as a hypnotic trigger
something that hits deep in your mind
you'll feel your eyes roll up
into your head
as you fall back to sleep
your mind
and memory
fogging over.
and here you will sit.
relaxed and deeply asleep
feeling the hand cuffs be removed
as you rest
when you are ready to wake up
you'll be able to do so
easily and gently
but when you wake up...
your memory will be...
only little flashes...
images and feelings
of what happened.
but until then
simply enjoy this little
hypnotically triggered
and wake up when you're ready...
you may do this...

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