Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Mannequin on Display

Click here to view Video: Mannequin on Display

Ever wonder what it would be like to be a Mannequin on Display in a store window? To be completely rooted to the ground, relaxed and calm, with no need to think. Just to stand and pose, and be admired?

There is an extended Patreon version of this script that can be found here: Mannequin on Display - Extended Patreon Version

There is also a meditation version if you want to just zone out and be on display for a while: Mannequin on Display - Meditation 

If you're curious how this script was created you can see the real hypnosis session log where it was written here: Mannequin On Display - Hypnosis Session Log

and of course the audio outtakes here: Outtakes for Mannequin on Display

This script was HEAVILY inspired by the adult fantasy story "The Incredible Impromptu Mannequins: Taking the Tuckerverse" by Zero, FreezAntix and Dmuk.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply sit
and focus on my words
and allow your body to just
and loosen
imagine that every breath you take
simply helps your body
to let go
and to relax
you can feel the muscles in your body loosening
and feel your shoulders dropping
and letting everything else around you
simply fade away
as you focus more and more deeply
on my words
you start to notice the world around
becoming fuzzy
and fading away
letting yourself just
deeper and deeper
into this relaxed
state of focus now
and you'll start ot notice
that with every breath you take
a new world forms around you
the more you breath
the more clear the world becomes
and the more you listen to my words
the easier it is for you to sink
and let go
dropping down into trance
and as you breathe
the world around comes into focus
your in a shopping mall
you can see the stores
and the people
moving around you
you can hear all of the normal echoing commotion
that comes with a mall
you can feel the hard tile beneath your feet
and simply relax
and enjoy the mall around you
but as you walk through the mall
feeling yourself taking step
after step
one by one
you came across a clothing store
with a sign by the door
a sign that says
one day only, mannequin experience
you find yourself becoming curious
curious about what this sign means
so you go into the store
as you enter you immediately start to hear
a hum...
echoing through the store
maybe you recognize the hum...
maybe you know what it does...
or maybe it's the first time you've ever heard it
but you notice instantly
how the hum...
even if you try to ignore it
makes your head feel...
just a little fuzzy
just a little lighter
you also notice several lights
shifting in colors around you
slowly moving from one color to the next
over lapping as they do
a very... hypnotic display
but the part that gets your attention the most
is there are words
playing in the audio
very faint
but you can hear them
saying over and over again...
Rooted to the ground
Blank and calm
No need to think
a mannequin on display
as you move around the store
trying to figure out what is going on.
you notice that there are people in the store
but not normal shoppers
no these people appear to be...
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
mannequins on display
standing posed
wearing clothes that are very...
on them.
they appear to be staring off into space
you can tell they are breathing
slowly and steadily
but that they are not thinking
they have no need to think
they are simply posed
listening to the hum
listening to the words
you may find
as you move through the store
discovering person after person...
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a mannequin on dispaly
you may find that you discover
a person that you know
frozen and posed
they seem completely unaware of you
unaware of anything
holding their pose
relaxed and calm
seeming to hold it so effortless
so easily
and as you examine one of these people
you hear a voice from behind you
ask if you need any help
you turn to see a store clerk
a very attractive store clerk
atrractive in whatever ways, appeal to you specifically
as you look at them
you feel the hum
deeper in you rmind
the world is getting fuzzy
but you try to focus
focus on the clerk in front of you
they ask if they can help you
and you struggle to ask a question
struggle to move through the fog in your mind
you find that you just feel...
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a mannequin on display
you notice the clerk smile at you
and ask if you are enjoying the display
they don't really let you answer
the don't give you the time
and instead start to give you a tour
walking slowly in front of you
looking back at you
expecting you to follow
you feel yourself following
almost in a daze
Every step you take seems to get
Slower and slower
Like your toy running out of batteries
Every motion seems to take
Longer and longer
You don’t even realize it.
Don’t really notice that you are slowing down
Little by little
the hum seems to get louder in your mind
it has a very... soothing feeling
as it just seems to be louder
just a bit
then your thoughts
it seems to simply push them away
making you feel fuzzy
and open.
you don't realize that as you walk with the clerk
every step you take
seems to get slower
and slower
your feet seem to take longer to move
like they are
rooted to the ground
your mind seems to be overloaded by the hum
and seems to be simply
blank and calm
your mind seems to empty
after all you have...
no need to think
as the clerk points out another person
just one of many people that ended up
a mannequin on display
the clerk keeps showing you
person after person
and ends on a person you know
someone that you can see
dressed in designer clothes
that look like they were made for them
clothes that make them look so good
so attractive
posed in a position that just seems to bring out
the best in them
the best in their bodies
the clerk asks if you know this person
and you give a slow
gentle nod
not even aware of just how slowly your moving now
no aware of how long it's taking you to move
unaware that your starting to really feel
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a mannequin on display
the clerk just smiles at you and tells you
why don't you pose for moment
with your friend
frozen solid
They help you to get closer to your friend
To get into a pose similar to theirs
Not as sexy, not as smooth
But a pose none the less
and tell you to smile
you feel your face slowly moving to smile
As the clerk tells you that your doing
So very well now
And then you see them
Hold up something, that looks
An awful lot like a pen light
But instead of a light\
it flashes the same
swirling colored lights
that you saw through the store
you feel them in your mind
as if they are whiting out your thoughts
drowning them out
and you can't help but hear in your mind
a soft gentle
echo through your mind
and then everything just seems...
to stop
seems to pause
your mind is blank and calm
you feel like you are rooted to the ground
nice and stable
no need to think
just a mannequin on display
you notice as you stand there
blank and calm
that your body feels so natural like this
that it's so easy to just
be still
rooted the ground
that there is
no need to think
your body is comfortable
and seems to be able to hold
whatever pose you are in
whatever pose you are put in
your body just seems to stay
and focused on simply being
a mannequin on display
you don't really notice anything else going on around you
the hum fills your mind
and the lights keep your thoughts
blank and calm
you don't' notice yourself being gently pushed forward
just a bit
and a lifting cart
being slide under your feet
you don't notice yourself
being leaned back...
supported by the cart
seeing the lights in the ceiling
and the tiles
moving past your eyes
as you are wheeled into the back.
wheeled in back to be posed
you feel yourself stay in the room
for a period of time
your not sure if it's seconds
or hours
time is meaningless to you now
and then you feel yourself being tilted on the cart
and wheeled back out into the store
a pose that makes you feel confident
and alluring
a pose that makes you feel attractive
and seductive
wearing clothes that fit you so well
hugging your body in ways to make you look
your absolute best
they wheel you to a special place in the store
where everyone that comes in can see you
can admire you
and set you up on your feet
hearing the hum
seeing the lights
and hearing the words
softly echoing through your mind
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a mannequin on display
and here you will stay
blank and calm
as more and more people visit the store
more and more people notice you
admire you
froze on display
no need to think
just staying comfortably
rooted to the ground
showing off the clothes that you were dressed in
An absolutely perfect...
mannequin on display
You’ll find that the more people
Who you see look at you
Admire you
The more easily it becomes
To stay here
Perfectly still
Breathing easily and gently
Rooted to the ground
Blank and calm
You may even
If you feel comfortable doing so
Feel one or two of the people
Gently touch you
Feeling how sturdy you are
Perfectly posed
No need to think
No need to react
Just to enjoy the feeling
Enjoy the pose
Enjoying you times
As a mannequin on display
and as you sit there...
focused on my words
it's alright
if it's safe for you to do so
for you to simply pose yourself
maybe sitting in your chair
or maybe if you'd like
standing up
as long as you are safe
and calm
and comfortable
and as you let yourself be posed
just hear the words
echoing in your mind
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a mannequin on display
and feel your body
simply hold that pose
feel how easy it is to just
be in this pose
completely and totally
and just enjoy this feeling
of being on display
you can imagine yourself in the store
watching people admire you
and just relax
and enjoy this feeling
for as long as you would like
and when you are ready to wake up
ready to stop being a mannequin
you'll allow yourself to simply
start to move again
and stretch
and relax
and allow yourself to wake up
easily and gently
when you are ready
but for now
you can simply spend a few minutes
rooted to the ground
blank and calm
no need to think
a mannequin on display

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