Monday, January 9, 2023

Dungeons and Dragons

Click here to view video: Dungeons and Dragons

Click here to view Alternate Patreon Version: Dungeons and Dragons - Alternate Patreon Version

Click here to view Outtakes: Outtakes for Dungeons and Dragons

Ever wonder what it would be like to be an adventurer tracking down and facing off against a powerful dragon that plaguing the land? Would you be able to defeat the powerful monster? or would you find that it's powers can be more compelling then you previously thought? In this Hypnotically read story written by Jaclyn (Psyco Turnip), we will explore just that. But we warned... Jaclyn's writing style does not pull any punches... and this story can take a very... Dark... turn. 

For those who may be interested in an alternate ending, there is a much darker and even more devious ending available on my Patreon page here:Dungeons and Dragons - Alternate Patreon Version

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance. 

This Script and the idea behind it was written by Jaclyn "Psyco Turnip". There is an alternate ending, that even she describes as being “way darker than intended” that focuses on Vore… and is available on my patreon page, link in the description. Her script literally starts with “use any induction you want” So here we go…

Just allow yourself
To get into
A comfortable position
Allow your body to simply relax
And let go
Feeling your body
Breathing slowly
And easily
As you simply
Start to relax
Start to just drift
More and more deeply
More and more easily
Into my words
Letting everything
Simply fade away
Allowing your muscles
To simply relax
And drift
And easily
As your feel your mind
Step down
Down into a nice
Relaxing trance
With a simple
Nice and deep
Nice and calm
Allowing your mind
To simply empty
And let the world around you
Fade away
And be slowly
With another world
A world of magic
And dragons
A world where you
Are your very own
Personal hero.
You can allow yourself a moment
To see your character
Come to mind.
To think up your equipment
And your clothing
And being
Dungeons and dragons
You can even think up
Your race
You could be an elf
Or an orc
A wizard
Or a knight
A warrior
Or a healer
It’s all up to you…
But now that you have
Your own personal character
Lets let our story begin…
You find yourself…
Waking in your tent
You crawl out
Ready to face the day
Your greeted by the pungent bog
Everything is damp
The early morning fog is thick
You break-down camp quickly
Itching to be done here
Ready to finish this hunt
You've been tracking this dragon for weeks
Following leads, talking to villagers and tracking its ecological footprint
Your close, you can feel it
Creeping into the foggy bog
Careful not to fall into the swamp water
You can barely see your hands in front of your face
The fog is so dense
Creeping silently through the fog, listening intently
The silence that greets you is deafening
No birds, no bugs, nothing, that dragon must be close
You see a flicker of motion out of the corner of your eye
Throwing your shield in the way as you quickly sidestep
As a pair of massive jaws are deflected from clamping down on your midsection
Acting quickly, you chop down on the serpent
biting deep into its scaly neck
Your rewarded with a snarl of frustration before the body sinks back into the water
You hear it rear up and breathe deeply, preparing to use its breath attack on you
You activate the bracelet you prepared for just this occasion.
The Dragons breath comes out as a purple gas, rushing towards you
Your bracelet thrums to life, causing a sphere of strong winds to surround you
The gas is harmlessly parted before you, you hear a deep chuckle from the Dragon
"I see you come prepared! Good! Keep me entertained Mortal!"
You hear the dragon resubmerge, then silence
Movement! A large tail swipes at you, fast as lightning
Gritting your teeth you plant your feet, shield at the ready
You block it, sliding back in the muck
Expecting the attacks to continue you brace yourself
Nothing comes for you
You are greeted by the unsettling silence, again
You roll your shoulders, releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding
Scanning the grey expanse, you listen intently for any sound, any movement.
Nothing, the Dragon is simply..... Gone
You see a flicker of light, deep in the water before you
A vivid Sky-blue hue, slowly shifting to green, then yellow and so on, following the rainbow in an infinite

pulsing loop.
The light draws your eyes, you shake your head to clear it, expecting an attack though none come for you.
The light begins to shift hues faster, a kaleidoscope of colours assault your vision
Your transfixed body relaxes as you take a small step forward
You shake your head again and close your eyes but the light shines through your eyelids
You take another step pitching forward into the bog
Your shocked awake as the icy cold waters greet you
Something wraps around your leg
your pulled from the water by the Dragon's tail and slammed hard into the soft earth
Your cushioned by the spongy ground though the wind is still knocked out of you
Your laying in a daze staring up at the cloudy sky
The sun is just beginning to cut through the fog
A massive paw comes flying down to stomp on you
you roll to the left and stab its paw with your blade
It recoils pulling your sword from your grip
The blade stuck firmly in the Dragon's wrist
The Dragon angrily lunges for you
snapping its massive jaws
thinking quickly, you bring up your shield and jam it deep in its mouth
Getting it caught and locking its jaw open
Frills fold out around the Dragons head and flash brightly, blinding you
You stagger back, rubbing your eyes to clear them
Blinking furiously, you look up to see the Dragon's frills once again shifting colours slowly
You shut your eyes and turn quickly away
but too late
you feel the pull to stare is too strong
you slowly turn to face it directly
one eye opens.... then the other
you feel your shoulder sag as you mind begins to slow down
The Dragon chuckles "You mortals have such fragile minds" It observes you closely
One dinnerplate sized eye staring intently at you from mere inches away
With the last of your free will, you pull a desperate ploy by biting down on your cheek
The pain jolts you awake and quick as lightning grab your boot knife and stab it deep into the Dragon's eye
Head rocking back, it roars in agony, wildly swinging a paw at you
Clipping your shoulder, you are thrown, tumbling back into the bog
Scrambling from the bog once more
Sputtering and coughing out water
feeling the gritty mud water on your tongue you spit
coughing as you shiver in the cold wind
Staring daggers at you the Dragon sweeps its tail at you
catching you in the chest
You slam into a tree
slumping to the ground, you black out
Groggily you come too, pinned to the tree by a large reptilian paw
The Dragon's frills pulsing in their intoxicating pattern
Feeling so dizzy and weak you are immediately snared
Its control feels intrusive
as if the pulsing colours are forcing their way into your mind
Making the decisions for your body
your jaw slackens
Your body relaxes
Your body hangs limply in its grasp
your eyes lose focus, seeing only the glowing colours
"That's it mortal, just let go, our battle is done"
The Dragons words echo in your mind
You feel your head nod
The fight is over
You should just let go
A feeling of jolt of euphoric pleasure course through you
Despite the malaise on your mind a smile tugs at the edge of your lips
your eyes begin to close as the Dragon continues to whisper to you
"Let go"
"Feel yourself relax"
"The danger has passed, release all your tension"
Between the shifting lights and the whispered words, your mind is quickly overwhelmed
Eyes rolling in your skull
Sinking deeper.... deeper
Your eyes close
You let go fully
Slowly your eyes open
staring up at your ceiling fan
Gently spinning
laying on your couch, comfortable and warm
You sit up blinking and gently stretching
"How are you feeling?"
You turn to see your friend Alex
seated next to you on the matching sofa
"Did that help with your writer's block?"
Alex smiles helping you stand
You still feel somewhat light headed
"Maybe the Dragon is supposed to win this fight?"
Alex shrugs then smirks at you, left eye bloodshot the other dazzling
For a split-second Alex's teeth appear to be razor sharp with reptilian slitted eyes
You shake your head and rub your eyes
Sheepishly you chide yourself
Of course, Alex isn't a dragon, they don't exist
Your being silly you think to yourself
You quickly jot down notes about the details of the fight
Still vivid in your mind
"All finished? Good, Dinner is ready, follow me" Alex calls motioning you to follow
You find yourself following Alex before you realize what's happening
A familiar jolt of euphoria as you scurry after them.

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