Monday, December 4, 2023

Healing Massage

Click here for Extended Video: Healing Massage - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for video: Healing Massage

Click here for Mantra Short: Healing Mantra

This is a very simple, very relaxing script to help you heal from an injury, or an illness. It's designed to help you relax your body and then focus your energy on the parts of your body that need it the most so that it can heal.

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply allow your body
To completely
And totally
Just relax
And go limp
Were going to focus on deep relaxation
So I want you to imagine
What it might feel like
To have a pair of very
Capable hands
Starting to massage your feet
Sliding their thumb along the soles of your feet
And squeezing the top of your foot
You feel that you are
Completely comfortable with these hands
Maybe they are the hands
Of someone you know
Someone you are very close too
Or maybe they are the hands of a person
You fantasize to be with.
Or simply someone that is highly skilled
And deeply capable
Of helping you to relax
It doesn’t really matter whose hands they are
As long you find that their touch
Their simple caress
Helps you to just
Into my words.
And just feel how the muscles in your feet
Start to loosen
And let go
How your feet start to tingle
And go limp
Becoming limp
And loose
As the hands slide along them.
And simply allow the hands
To move up.
Along your ankles
Squeezing the muscles
And helping them to let go
Helping them to loosen
And relax
Finding it so easy to let go now
And feel how the relaxation is slowly
Climbing up your body
Moving up along your shins
And then squeezing down
Along your calves
Pressing their palm
Into your calf
And sliding it down
Stretching out the muscle
Letting you just sink
Into the feeling
And feel their hands moving up
Up to your knees
Massaging the muscles both
Below.. .and above
Your knee cap
And then sliding their fingers
And pressing into the muscles
Behind your knee
Letting yourself just relax
And feel your legs becoming limp
And loose now.
And feeling them sliding their hands
Up along your thighs
Along the outsides and first
Before squeezing
And pressing
Down the back of your thigh
All the way down to your knee
And then repeating
Pressing out all the muscles
And deeply
Before moving to the front
Part of your thigh
And pressing their fingers
Into your thigh
As they work their way up
Your leg.
All the way up to the spot
Where your thigh meets your hip
It’s ok if that tickles
Just a bit
It’s ok to laugh
It’s ok to twitch
As your touched
From there you can just
More deeply
More easily
Into a nice
Relaxing trance
And now feeling their hands
Moving along your inner thigh
Helping you to relax
Helping you stretch out those muscles
More and more
Until it’s completely
And totally loose
And limp
It feels good to relax
Doesn’t it now
To just let go
And sink
Deeper and deeper
Into this state
As you lay there
You feel their hands
Moving along your stomach
Slowly along your belly
A soothing rub
Slowly in a circle
Massaging out the muscles in your tummy
Then moving to your chest
And under your arms
Loosening and massaging the muscles
In your pectoral area
And finding that you can simply
Breathe more easily now
That you can just
Feel your body relax
And let go
As you just breathe
Opening your chest
And letting the good air in
And then slowly exhaling
And feeling yourself relaxing
As you do.
That’s it
Just take a few
Easy breathes
And just relax
And as you breath
You can feel their hands
Moving to your shoulders
And massaging the place
Where your neck
And shoulders meet
Sliding down your shoulders
Down to your biceps
And your triceps
Massaging and squeezing them
Squeezing and sliding them
Down more deeply
More easily feeling your arms becoming limp
And loose
Completely helpless
And relaxed
And as they sink
Even more deeply
The hands move down
To your elbows
Similar to your knees
They squeeze both above
And below your elbow
Hitting the trigger points
And feeling your body just
And open
Letting the muscles just
Become more loose
More open
You may even feel a tingle
Moving through your body
As you relax
That's the blood flowing
More easily
Into parts of your body that have been
Too tense for it to make its way into before
This is a part of the relaxation process
And a part of the healing process
And now feeling those hands
Sliding down your forearms
Slowly along your forearm
And allowing yourself to just
Relax into the feeling.
Feeling their hands moving down
Along your hands
Squeezing their thumb into your palms
And sliding their fingers along the back of your hand
Wiggling your wrists
To help them loosen
Help them slide back into place
You may feel a pop
As the tendons realign
Or you may simply find that you become
More heavy
More deep
Relaxing even more deeply
Down into a nice deep
Hypnotic sleep.
With your body more or less relaxed
The hands slide up
Along your arms
To your neck
Massaging the back of your neck
Very slowly
Very deeply
Feeling your head wiggling gently
From side to side
As their fingers press
Along the back of your neck
And slide up
And down
Gently now.
Moving up
Along the back of your head
Sliding their fingers up
Along your head.
Along your scalp
Maybe their use the pads of their fingers
Or maybe they use their nails
If you like that sensation
It’s all up to you.
It’s all up to what would help you
Relax the most now.
And as your scalp relaxes
Just allow yourself to feel their hands
Moving along your forehead
Massaging the center of your forehead
And then slowly back
To your temples
Releasing the tension
You probably didn’t even realize
Was there.
And then sliding their hands
Down along your jaw
Along your nose
And around your lips
Steady motions
Warm presses with their fingers
Helping your entire face
To just
Let go
And relax.
Feeling how good you feel now
Just how relaxed
And calm you’ve become.
And as you just relax
You feel the hands
Moving to your back
Sliding slowly
And gently
Along your back
Open hands
Slowing sliding their palms
Along your shoulders
Down your back
Up and down
Letting everything fade away
Letting everything just drift
And relax
Nothing else matters now
Just the breathing
Just the relaxing
As the hands move
Very easily
Very slowly
Along your back
And you just let your entire body
Just become limp
And loose
And calm
Everything fades away
Just the feeling of the hands
And gentle
Along your back
Along your body
And easily now.
And just breathe
In and out
And let yourself just
More deeply
And at peace
Doing so very well now.
So calm
And open
And relaxed.
As you feel the hands
Gently sliding over your body
A bit more deeply
Finding they move wherever you would like them too
I would like you focus
For a moment
On any part of your body
That you find might need some extra relaxation
Or even, might need to heal
Maybe you have an old injury
Or a new one
Maybe you’ve been sick
Or maybe you are trying to be better
But finding that one or two parts of your body
Simply can’t keep up with the rest of you.
We all have those moments from time to time
It’s alright to just relax
And focus on those parts of your body now
And just a warmth
And image an energy
Moving to that part of your body
Did you know…
That when you imagine energy
Moving to a certain part of your body
Whether it be a feeling
Or an image
That it causes blood to flow to that part of you
That blood brings with it
All the nutrients
That your body needs
Nutrients to help
Build itself back up
To make repairs
To allow yourself to simply
More quickly
More deeply
You can do this process
And again
For any
Or every part of you body
Just relax
And focus on the part of you
The needs healing
That needs growth
That needs strength
And just imagine energy
Flowing into that part of you
Filling up that part
If you don't know what energy might look like
Or feel like
Imagine electricity
Bolts of lightning trickling down your body
And working its way into the body part that needs it
Trickling as it powers up your body
You can even imagine a little battery icon
By that body part
And watch as it slowly raises up
As it charges up with energy
Your body will do the rest.
You don’t need to tell it how to heal
Just give it the time
Give it the energy it needs
And just feel that energy
Trickling around the part of you that needs to heal
Charging up that battery
And just relaxing
As the hands move along your body
Slowly and gently
And here we will let you relax
Here we will let you simply
And recharge
You may stay here as long as you’d like
And you may return
Whenever you want
For a little recharge.
For now just relax
And rest
And let go
Until you wish to wake up
All on your own.

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