Monday, July 1, 2024

Independence Day Submission


Click here for extended video: Independence Day Submission - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for public video: Independence Day Submission

Have you ever really thought about what it means to be free? That maybe, it's less about being able to do as you please, and more, being... free... to choose, who it is, that will make the choices for you. But what if, there really isn't a choice, at all?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get 
Into a comfortable position 
A place where you can simply 
Let your mind and body 
Where you can just
Let everything go 
As you simply 
Easily and gently 
Focusing on my words
And allowing them to just
Slip into your mind 
Allowing them to help you to go 
And to relax
Allowing you to simply 
Deeper and deeper
Down into a nice
Hypnotic sleep 
It’s so easy to do this
So soothing
And calming 
To just let go 
And sleep for me now
And easily 
And as you sink 
As you slip away 
You find that the world around
Begins to fade
And a new world
Begins to take it’s place. 
It’s a warm 
Summers evening
And you are enjoying a little
Independence day celebration
It’s a large party at a friends house
The sun has set
And the sky is full of fireworks
You can hear the different kinds of fireworks
The loud powerful booms
The soft pops that indicate a colorful display 
The quick crackling rap of another display 
It’s so soothing
All so relaxing 
Bad as you look around that the party 
Drink in hand 
Slowly just enjoying people watching
You can’t help but notice
Someone staring at you 
At first you try to look away 
But you can feel them watching you 
Staring at you from a distance
Reluctantly you turn and meet their gaze
You are surprised by just how 
Attractive they are 
How they seem to staring at you 
With a confident
Seductive smile. 
There is an almost uncomfortable draw to them 
Like their eyes just seem to hold you there
Unable to look away 
Unable to resist
They just seem to stare
Into your soul 
You become aware of them moving closer to you
Weaving through the crowd
It’s almost as if everyone else doesn’t notice them 
Or maybe they have seen this little act play out before
Before you are ready for it
They seem to be right next to you 
In your personal space
Just smiling at you warmly
But holding your gaze deeply 
They introduce themself
And you instantly recognize the name
Your friend mentioned they were coming
Mentioned that they are… 
They are a hypnotist… 
You try to find the words to reply 
But nothing comes out
The person just 
Holds your gaze
And starts to say that they have always thought
Independence day was a bit of an 
Ironic time.
Although there is something to be said for
For independence
It’s funny how often a person 
Given the choice
Would easily 
Relinquish that freedom
That independence to another. 
How what we really mean when we talk about
Is the freedom to choose… 
To choose whom we wish to 
Surrender too 
Whom we wish to let
Take control 
You can’t help but just
Stare back into their eyes
Their piercing 
Deep eyes
They seem to just 
Draw you in 
And totally
Making you feel so… 
They lean in and tell you that 
In honor of the… 
That we are celebrating
They are going to give you 
A choice… 
You could stay here… 
And enjoy the party 
You can find yourself 
Choosing to follow
Choosing to submit
And let go 
Choosing to simply 
Come with me… 
And surrender yourself to something
More primal
More natural 
To surrender yourself 
To control…
To submission
Something about the way it’s worded
About the way it’s said
Makes you almost feel like
The choice isn’t really a choice at all 
It makes you feel like it’s 
Already been decided
For you. 
They lean in closer to you 
And whisper that
Your time to choose
Has come
And gone… 
And then they turn and start to walk 
Into a more secluded area of the party 
Behind an outdoor garage
But they do so in such a way that they never eye contact with you 
Walking backwards slowly with a smile. 
Your eyes seem to follow them 
Your body turning slowly 
And taking step 
After step 
To follow them 
In the back of your mind
You can’t help but wonder
Where was your choice
What choice did you make
But then a slow gently wave
Of their hand
Seems to pull you forward
And your thoughts simply fade away 
You follow your hypnotist
To a more secluded area
Surrounded by large bushes
Secluded from view
No one in the party seemed to see you leave
No one knows your here
Your hypnotist leans in closer to you 
And whispers how
The details of the celebration 
Will help you to enjoy 
The choice that you made
The choice to surrender
The choice to submit
They point out how 
The sound of the fire works
The popping and crackling
Seems to echo through your body 
Through your mind 
Every different sound
All unique
Yet all familiar to you 
Seems to just 
Draw you in 
Occasionally you see the flash 
The night sky lighting up 
In an array of colors
Some lingering
Some quick
A flash and then gone
Just like your thoughts
A flash in your mind
And then simply… 
But there is more then just the fireworks
They tell you to take a slow
Deep breathe
And you become aware of the scents around you 
The relaxing fragrance of a bon fire
The smell of pine burning slowly in the night
The scent of burgers and hot dogs
Cooking on a charcoal grill 
The smell of gun powder
Drifting through the air 
All filtering through your nose
One by one
And then a cool 
Clean breeze
Simply cleanses the palate of your nose
And the scents begin again 
Drifting into your mind
Into your body 
It’s a very unique experience
One that simply comes around 
Once a year
A celebration of freedom 
Of independence
Freedom to what it is that you want the most
Freedom to decide
What it is that you need
To feel 
To let go 
Freedom to surrender
To submit… 
Freedom to do what will 
Come as a bit of a surprise to you 
Just how natural it feels
As you indulge that one freedom 
You’ve wanted for a while
The freedom
To kneel… 
The words almost send a shiver through your body 
As you feel yourself slowly 
Without really looking away 
Lowering down 
Bending your knees
And slowly 
One knee at a time
Kneeling before your hypnotist
As you look up at them 
Something just feels 
Something just feels 
They slide their hand along your cheek 
And up to your forehead
Waving their hand over your eyes
And you feel your eyes
Drift closed
As they tilt your head down 
In submission 
And calm 
As the fireworks
And the parties
Continue around you 
A celebration of freedom
Of your freedom
Freedom to surrender
Freedom to submit
Freedom, to simply sleep
Deeply and soundly 
And obey

As you kneel they continue to guide you 
Guide you to feel just how
Good it feels
To submit
How free you feel 
Free from choices
Free from decisions
Free from all the things that 
Make your life stressful 
Being here
On your knees
Helpless and blank 
Is a kind of 
True freedom 
Free from all the things that 
Make your life more difficult
Here you only know the joy 
The peace
Of doing as your told 
Of being able to simply 
Be commanded
It’s quite easy 
Quiet soothing
And you sit there 
On your knees
Your hypnotist gives you 
All the suggestions 
All the commands
You need to be happy in life
Maybe they involve taking care of yourself
Maybe they involve permission
No… not permission 
An order.. 
To indulge yourself
To take time to simply 
Care for yourself
Or maybe they are something more 
Unique to them 
A way to serve 
A way to give them pleasure
And of course a little suggestion 
That you will of course
Be going home with them 
When all the festivities are ended
They have a very different kind of 
They want to show you. 
Helplessly on your knees
Feeling the true freedom 
Of submission 
They tell you that you will 
Open your eyes
And behave as if you are awake
As if you are 
But in reality 
You will still be hypnotized
Still be controlled
Still free, the way you really want to be. 
As you open your eyes
And return with them to the party 
Having found a new purpose
A new way to celebrate
Your freedom. 
And now you are…
To let your mind wander
And imagine
And fantasize
About what other daventures you may have. 
But remember
When the fireworks start to go off
When the smell of the barbecue
And the gunpowder
The flashes and the pops
Start to happen 
That you will think back to just how nice it is
To be
Really free
Free to submit… 
And if you are interested
There is a longer
More intimate version of this fantasy 
On my patreon page
The link is in the description
You are of course
To check it out… 
But for now… 
You will simply rest
And relax
And fantasize about what else might happen at this party 
What other
You may discover
And when you are ready 
You will simply take a deep breath
And count from one up to three
And wake up. 
Until then 
Enjoy the celebration…

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