Monday, August 26, 2024


Click here for extended Patreon video: Tranception - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for public video: Tranception

Click here for Hypnosis Session Log: Tranception - Hypnosis Log

Ever Wonder what it would be like to drop into a trance... only to find yourself in another place, and then to be dropped into a trance again... only to find yourself in another place, and then to be dropped into a trance again... only to find yourself in another place, and then to be dropped into a trance again... only to find yourself in another place, and then to be dropped into a trance again... only to find yourself in another place, and then to be dropped into a trance again... only to find yourself in another place, and then to be dropped into a trance again... 

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself to get
into a comfortable position
just let your mind start to relax
as your thoughts just seem
to naturally
fade away
this is your time to relax
this is your time ot just
and let go
that is why you come here
to just relax
and drift away
into a fantasy
into a little time to just be
and as you sit there
you can feel yourself already
sinking down
and drifting
relaxing away
it's so easy for you to go.
deeply down
deeper and deeper
so easily and calmly
but some times., going deeper...
requires a little something special
some times it has
upon layers
and each layer
each fantasy
takes you down
and deeper
and as you just
let go of your reality
and just sink into my words
I want you to imagine yourself
walking through an old
mystical library
it looks ancient
but well kept up
yet, full of nature
vines and bushes
lots of natural light
it's warm and inviting
with rows
upon rows
of books
all just waiting for you to
dive in and enjoy
it's peaceful
it's soothing and relaxing
but as you move through the aisles
lined with books
from all parts of the world
from all part of history
you feel a call
a pull
something is drawing you in
further and further down
step by step
you feel the pull
getting stronger
and deeper
until you finally find it
an old
leather bound journal
the pages are old
and delicate
and as you open it
you can get the scent
of old paper
and worn leather
it feels
it feels
magical in your hands
but as you thumb through the book
page after page
they just seem to shine
seem to shimer
it's as if the ink that was used
was lined with purest silver
and sprakles
as the pages flip
but as they do
the book casts its spell on you
every page
makes your mind
sink deeper
and more relaxed
and peaceful
page after page
word after word
more deeply
more easily
down into your mind
and deeper
as the pages flip
by one
feeling your mind
your body
a dizzy
fuzzy feeling
washing over you
as the last page flips
you feel your eyes
roll up into your head
and you sink
falling into the abyss now
completely down
just let everythign fade away
as you sink
and fall
discovering that as you do
as the world goes dark
another world
a deeper world
takes it place
you find yourself in a palace
deeply under the sea
maybe you have the abilty to breath under water
or maybe you are wearing scuba gear
either way you are safe
the palace is bright and shimering
almost as if it was made out of crystal
colorful fish swim around you
tiny little crabs and snails
move in the distance
it's very elegant,
very soothing
and calming here.
as you look around you notice a person...
well a merfolk person
half their body is human
but they have a tail
that is long andpowerful
elegant and impressive
as they swim around you
looking at you.
staring into your mind
The curious person swims around you
giving you a playful smile
soothing but
slightly devious
as they swim over to a pedestal
and pick up a large
conch shell
and give you a smile
before putting to their lips
and giving a hard
deep blow
you feel...
more then hear
a deep rumble through the water
shaking you
making you shudder
as the water vibrates around you
vibrating your body
vibrating your mind
you feel your thoughts start to simply
and shudder
and start to come apart
the sound waves moving through the water
moving over yoru body
echoing through your mind
feeling your thoughts
fade away
like foot printes on a beach
every wave makes your mind
sink deeper
feleing more peaceful
and relaxed
feeling your body
sinking down
in the water
landing on the floor of the palace
hearing the conch sound
moving through yoru mind
through your body
as you fade
and sink
deeper and deeper
down to sleep
as the sea palace
seems to fade form your mind
as you sink
more and more deeply
down into trance
a new world forms around you
you find yourself
in the carnival tent
of a tarot card reader.
you look around confused
not sure how you got here
not even sure where here is
as the fortune teller smiles
and flips over the first card
the hypnotist
powerful and alluring
they draw you in
they show a future of
of submisstion
another card
the pocket watch
a tool the hypnotist
and hand crafted
keeping perfect time
keeping your attention perfectly
another card flips
the thrall
an empty mind
leads to bliss
the thoughs fade away
and sink
a thralls place is to submit
to let go
to simply
and submit
the fortune teller tells you
that this is your future...
another card is flipped over
the trance
deep and blank
the trance pulls you down
there is no resistance
there is no struggle
there is only submission
only surrender
you find yourself
starting at the cards
letting them draw you in
you hear a whisper
this is your future
you turn to see the fortune teller
standing next to you
towering over you as you sit
before you can ask
how they got there
or what they mean
they reach out their hand
and gently brush it down your face
you feel their finger tips
slide along yoru eye lids
and gently lower them for you
closing your eyes
as they close
you feel your head
fall forward
as you sink under their spell
and surrender
the world fades away
and fall into the void of a trance
through the void
you hear something
the sound of applause
distanct at first
but then coming forward
you find yourself suddenly
on a stage
in front of an audience applauding you
you look around and find a very
famliiar hypnotist
standing next to you
with a pocket watch
they smile and tell you
that they appreicate you
as they start to let the watch
swing before your eyes
back and forth
back and forth
side to side
as your find yoruself watching
for a brief moment
you find this whole situation to somehow
be familiar
as if you knew this was coming
as if you had..
known your future
but that moment fades
and you watched the watch
swing side to side
you focus on the watch
seeing how elgant it is
how intricate the design
how it sparkles in the light of the stage
as it swings
back and forth
before your eyes
taking you down
you hear a distance voice
the voice of your hypnotist
telling you to relax
to let go
to just surrender
and sink
down into their spell
into their power
after all
you are simply a thrall
called up to the stage
to simply obey
to sink
and to simply
you hear their fingers snap
and you feel your ehad fall to yoru chest
and your body tilt forward
falling into the void
deeper and deeper
as the world fades away .
doing so very well
as you fall through the void
you suddenly find yourself
and your eyes opening
you instantly notice the thick
pungent scent of animals
not an unpleasant scent
but strong
you find yourself surrounded by puppies
and kittens
dogs and cats
even a turtle or two
a rather busy pet shop
in front of you a cat meows
to get your attention
and you can't help but pick them up
and cuddle them
and scratch their fur
listening to them pur
it's such a soothing feeling
but as you pet the little cat
you can't help but notice they have a very
ornate collar
as you slide your hand alon gthe collar
it seems to disappear
to simply fade away
only to then reappear
around your neck
you slide your hand up
to feel the collar
as the cat simply hops away
you find yourself feeling so
almost light headed
you lean over against the wall
and find yourself
looking into the reflection
off a fish tank
looking at your body
at your face
as you start to feel
and see
whiskers starting to grow
your ears starting to become pointed
and oving up your head
the collar around your neck
glowing brightly
feeling yourself
starting to get smaller
and smaller
as your clothes seem to get looser
you can't help but notice something
strange against your leg
a tail
as it gets free of your cloths
you try to ask
whats happening
but all tha tcomes out
is a soft
you notice yoru hands
have become coverd in fur
as you feel your body leaning forward
and landing on all fours
graceful and elegant
as you shake away your clothes
and look at your reflection
letting out off a confused little
you look around a bit
and find yourself feeling
very tired
and sleepy
the old joke about cats sleeping all day
seems to really
resonate with you
you stretch yoruself out
sliding your paws forward
and really getting that good
long stretch in
before the collar seems to glow again
and you feel a wave of sleepyness
wash over you
starting to feel yoruself
purr softly
as you curl up
just purring
and relaxing
as you drift down
deeper and deeper
the world fading away
as you sin kinto a nice
soothing little cat nap
deep and relaxed
as the world fades away
you find yourself
waking up
leaning against a wall
stretching out
for a moment you dont' even remember
what just happened
and then in surprise you check yourself
your back to being human
back to your normal self
you take a moment to get your barings
the air around you is very humid
and thick with moisture
it's very hot
and muggy
there are trees all around you
a jungle
birds and insects chirping and singing around you
it's rather peaceful
in an adventurous kind of way
you star to move through the jungle
pushing aside plants
and bushes
crawling over rocks
and around trees
the jungle is thick
dense with vegitation
you hear animals all around you
but you don't see any
and then all of a sudden
everything goes silent
nothing moves
the birds and insects fall silent
all at once
everything is just
you feel an uneasy feeling
as you start to look around
and then you hear
a soft
gentle hiss
in your ear
you whip around to stare
eye to hypnotic eye
with a snake
it's tongue flicks out in front of you
as it's eyes swirl
a rainbow of colors
staring deeply into yoru eyes
you strugle to speak
struggle to pull away
but instead you just
into the eyes of the snake
helpless in it's gaze
as you stare
the world seems to melt away
all the remains is the eyes
swriling in your mind
you feel yorus arms
fall to yoru sides
limp and helpless
swinging softly
from the fall
as you just stare
and watch
you are barely aware of the snake's body
slowly coiling around you
it's tight
and strong
but somehow soothing
it may seem odd in this heat
but the snake is using your body
for warmth
sliding as much of it's body
along yours
as it can
holding you close
holding you tight
staring into your eyes
you feel the world starting to spin
and swear you can hear
in your mind
that itssss time to ssssssleeep
you feel your mouth fall open
and your knees wobble
you try to catch yourself
but you land softly in a plant
cushoining your fall
as the snake moves to keep it's eyes
staring deeply
into yours
you feel your eye sflurttering closed
deeper down
the world starts to fade
and slip away
into the snakes hypnotic sleep
as the world fades
a new world starts to form in your mind
you feel yoruself walking
through a quiet neighborood
on a cool summers evening
the air is calm
and the street lights are just coming on
as you simply walk
slowly down the street
breathing in the cool air
and just
just taking a little time
just for you
taking the long way home
as you walk
it's peaceful
and soothing
so calm
that is until
you feel yoruself being grabbed
from behind
a strong hand grabs your arms
and pullyou back
while anothe rhand
places a thick
damp cloth over your face
you feel a very heavy
very thick scent
move into your lungs
you sintantly feel heavy
and tired
the world just seems to spin
you struggle and shake
trying to pull away
but they hold you tighter to them
and keep the rag to your face
your own protests
your own moans
simply muffled by the cloth
as you feel your body weakening
feeling so tired
so so heavy
sinking down
you hear a distance voice tell you
to just go to sleep
and that sounds
so very nice to you
so right
it would be so nice to just
you feel yorueslf sigh
as you lean back against the person that grabbed you
and let out a long
deep exhale
and then breathe in more of the chlorofrom
as the world around you spins
and fades
and you sink into slumber
helplessly falling
completely down now
as the world fades away
a new world takes it place
it's a warm summers day
and you are walking through a garden
full of flowers
and trees
the birds are singing
it's the kind of place you could
lose yourself in
you inhale
and breathing in the sweet floral scent
and for a moment it makes you wonder
where that other scent
disappeared too
but you shrug it off
and simply move through the garden
until you hear a voice say
hello... you will make a wonderful addition
to my garden
you turn around to see
standing in front of you
a woman
with snakes on her head
and glowing yellow eyes
the moment you look at her
your thoughts just seem
to freeze
seem to pause
your expression is stuck
your body is immobile
just standing there
as you feel yours kin
begin to shift
begin to change
going from soft flesh
to cool
solid marble
strong and beautiful
white alibaster
with threads of color
moving through it
you feel yourself
falling into a kind of stasis
your thougths blank
your body still
everything seems to turn
to pure white
and then everything fades
as you feel yourself
sink into a deep
deep hybernation
your body frozen as a statue now
and the world fading away
And here you will just
And relax
So deep and calm 
You are free to drift back 
Into any fantasy that you like
Free to explore each of the realms 
More deeply 
More intimately 
But when you are finally ready 
To awaken 
Just let the world you are in 
Fade away 
And let the real world 
Come back into focus
Take a deep breathe
And cound from one
Up to three
And simply 
It’s ok if this takes you loner
Then normal 
You are deep 
Just take your time 
But for now, 
Just relax
And enjoy

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Sink and Repeat

  Click here for Patreon Video: Sink and Repeat - Extended Patreon Version Click here for Public Video: Sink and Repeat Sink for me, then aw...