Monday, September 23, 2024

Bound Walking Home

Click here for Patreon Video: Bound Walking Home - Extended Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Bound Walking Home

Ever fantasize about what it would be like to be... captured on your way home? To take a short cut and end up helplessly bound and gagged, and left to struggle for the enjoyment of the person that captured you... 

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
To get into a comfortable position
A place where you can simply
And focus on my words. 
And as you do 
Just feel your eyes
Start to become heavy 
And unfocused
Just feel yourself 
Slipping back 
Into whatever it is 
That you are sitting or laying on now
And as you just feel yourself 
Start to drift
Start to simply 
Deeper and deeper 
You find that you remind
And body 
Simply become
And calm now
Everything seems to fade away 
The world around you 
And a new world
Takes its place
It’s a warm summer evening
At the end of a long
But enjoyable day
You are tired
And walking home
After spending time with friends
Out and about
You find that as you simply 
Walk home
That you notice that 
The sun is starting to set. 
And your legs are so tired
From walking around all day long
You decide that 
It wouldn’t be a bad idea
To take a little short cut
A little cut through the alley 
Will take off nearly half a mile from your trek. 
So as you approach the dark,  dirty alley. 
You simply smile
Empty as usual
And turn to take your short cut
The alley is like any other
Garbage cans
And small piles of trash
Piled up 
The alley is gravelly 
And not as paved as the main road
But it is 
After all 
Simply a service alley
You hear the gravel 
Crunch beneath your feet
As you see the sun set 
Over the horizon. 
It’s beautiful to watch
And you should be out of the alley
Long before it gets dark 
You take a slow
Deep breath
You’ll be so happy 
To be home
So happy to be
Able to unwind
And just relax
You can’t wake to take a long
Hot shower
And put your feet up 
And watch a movie
Maybe something adventurous
A simple film, while you throw popcorn at your face.
It will be a simple
Quiet night.
And you are looking forward to it. 
Out of no where you feel a hand
Grab you from behind
First around your waist
Pulling you back 
And then around you face
Holding your mouth closed
You struggle and shake
But your off balance
They have the advantage
You flail and kick 
But your quickly dragged into a garage
And as you are pulled in 
You hear the garage door start to close
You feel yourself being pulled 
And pushed into a chair
The person that grabbed you 
Holds their hand across your waist
And releases the hand from your mouth
You go to scream
To shout for help
But before you can you feel a rather
Dull thump 
On the top of your head
It felt almost like a sand bag
Something large and heavy
That spread out along your head
Cushioning the blow
But a blow nonetheless
You feel your head spin instantly
And your arms go limp 
Your shoulders sag
Down to your sides
As your mouth hangs open 
Your head falls to your chest
But you don’t lose consciousness
 But you do feel the person that grabbed you 
Take your wrists
And start to bind them 
Behind your back
You don’t put up so much as the tiniest struggle
Your too dazed
Head spinning
You feel them move
Down to your ankles
Tying first the left
Then the right ankle
To the leg of the chair
Tight and firm 
If you were in a mindset to struggle, you’d find it all but useless
You feel their hands
Moving up your legs
Half caressing
Half moving them to a better position
And feel your legs being tied
Right below the knee
Tightly together
And then they move up 
Gliding their hands along your legs
Along your thighs
And tie your thighs together, 
Nice and tight
You feel yourself breathing just a bit more
Your head still spinning 
But you are starting to come too 
You feel their hands move along your stomach 
It feels oddly 
As they wrap a rope around your waist
And pull it
Just tight enough to keep you in place
Although it does make taking a deep breath
Just a bit harder
You are still able to breath
You then notice their hands 
Moving up along your chest
More of a caress then anything else
As they tie a rope 
Criss cross
Around your chest
The rope going down from your left shoulder, 
Across your chest
To your right side just above your hip
And then back around. 
And then another rope
From your right shoulder
Down to your left hip
Pulling it tight 
You gasp in surprise a bit, 
And try to take a deep 
Cleansing breath 
But again discover
That the ropes are just a bit too tight
For you to do that. 
You finally shake your head
And clear it
You look at the person that has kidnapped you
You can only see their outline
In the dark garage
But you find their silhouette
Under other circumstances
To imply a person you might actually enjoy 
Spending some time with 
Someone who might have captured
Your attention
In a different way. 
But here you sit 
Helplessly staring at the form 
You try to ask them what they want
What it is that they are doing
But they say nothing
You seem them shake a bit
Like they are holding back a chuckle
And then see them raise a hand to your mouth
Your still a little dazed from your head hit
So you don’t struggle as they open your mouth
And slide a rag into it
Just the right size to keep you from making 
Too much  noise
You try to push it out with your tongue
But they hold it firm 
Keeping your mouth closed with one hand, as you feel another rag
Being placed along your mouth
And pulled tight around your head
The person disappears behind you 
As you are left only with the dark of the garage before you
You feel them tie off the gag
And then almost
Caress your cheek with their hand
You twitch a bit to brush it aside
Despite having enjoyed the feeling. 
And then you find yourself 
The garage falls silent
Only the sound of the crickets
Outside the garage
Echos softly through the walls
Your breathing is higher
As you struggle
Wiggling against the binds
The more you struggle
The more you wiggle
The more tired and helpless you become
You breath is panting
But you can’t break free
Your not even sure if your alone
Just stuck 
And wiggling
The chair doesn’t seem to budge
And your muscles are so 
So very tired
As you are bound to the chair
Letting the feeling of helplessness
The excitement
And danger
Drift through your mind
It’s all you can think about
Is the binds
And how helpless you feel 
How completely stuck 
And trapped
You find yourself now
Stuck and struggling as the light fades 
Through the garage window
And the alley light comes on
Casting an eerie glow
Through the garage
This is where you will stay 
For the foreseeable future
Bound and helpless
Struggling against the binds
Unable to break free
Unable to even loosen them 
But you will continue to struggle 
Until I choose to release you. 
Should you need to wake up 
For any reason before I release you
You may simply take a deep breath
And put the fantasy on pause 
In your mind
And let yourself count up 
From 1 to 3
And then awaken
But knowing that you need to return here
You need to finish your time 
Stuck in the garage
Bound and helpless.
And should you find that you might like me to add
A little hypnotic element 
To your time bound to the chair
There is a longer version of this video
Featuring a little hypnotic entrancement
Available on my patreon page
The link is in the description.

Bound nice and tight
Can’t break free
Struggle all you want
The ropes hold you firm 
Your wrists are tied
Your ankles bound
Your Knees are secure
Your thighs are trapped
Your chest is wrapped
Wiggle and struggle
You can’t escape
Your mouth is gagged
Your cries muffled
Feeling the pressure against you
The tension rises 
There is no escape,  only surrender
Bound to the chair 
Feeling the ropes
And the gag
Bound in place
Struggling in the dark 
The harder you struggle
The more excited you feel 
Trapped in the dark 
Bound and tied
You can’t break free

And now…
As I promised
It’s time for you to simply 
And slip away into sleep 
Deep and calm 
Just let your mind 
And rest
You will feel the world
Fade away
And the real world return 
In a few moments
Slowly letting one world go 
And returning to the real world
Just resting
And relaxing
And when you are ready 
Simply take a deep breath
And count from 1 up to three
And allow yourself to awaken 
Free and unbound
For now

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