Monday, September 16, 2024

Ticklish Delight


Click here for Patreon Video: Ticklish Delight - Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Ticklish Delight

Ever wonder what it would be like to be tied down... and tickled with feathers? The patreon version includes Laughing Gas!

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

Just allow yourself
to get into
a comfortable position
A place where you can
simply relax
and let go
Take a deep breath
in through your nose
and out through your mouth
Feel your body
beginning to relax
with each breath
Close your eyes
and let the tension
melt away
Imagine a warm light
surrounding your body
soft and comforting
The light envelops you
filling you with
peace and tranquility
With each breath
sink deeper and deeper
into relaxation
Picture yourself
standing at the edge
of a beautiful forest
The air is fresh
filled with the scent
of pine and wildflowers
You hear the gentle rustling
of leaves in the breeze
and a babbling brook
Take a step forward
onto a soft, mossy path
inviting you to explore
Feel the excitement
and anticipation
as you walk down the path
The trees grow taller
the colors more vibrant
the air charged with energy
You come to a clearing
with a large oak tree
in the center
The tree has a doorway
carved into its trunk
glowing with soft light
Step forward and open the door
feeling wonder
as you step inside
Inside is a cozy room
dimly lit and inviting
with a comfortable table
Lie down on the table
feeling the luxurious fabric
cool and soothing
Soft restraints wrap
around your wrists and ankles
holding you comfortably
You are at ease
safe and in control
sinking deeper into bliss
The room is soothing
filled with ambient light
and a sense of calm
Every muscle relaxes
your mind drifts
on a sea of serenity
You are open and receptive
ready for the journey
of sensory delight
Your body and mind
are fully immersed
in this magical world
Feel yourself relaxing
even more deeply
as you lie on the table
You notice a soft breeze
brushing over your skin
gentle and soothing
Now, imagine
feathers appearing
floating in the air
These feathers are light
soft, and delicate
drifting towards you
One by one
they begin to touch
your most ticklish spots
A feather gently brushes
against your neck
tickling lightly
Another feather touches
your underarms
sending tingles through you
Feel the feathers
gliding over your sides
and along your ribs
Each touch is gentle
but oh so ticklish
making you squirm
Feathers dance
over your belly
caressing your skin
They find the sensitive spots
on your thighs
and behind your knees
Feel the tickling
as more feathers join
They tease your feet
brushing over your toes
and arches
Every ticklish spot
is touched by a feather
making you giggle
You are held securely
but comfortably
unable to escape the tickles
The sensation is light
yet incredibly powerful
sending waves of laughter
You feel the tickling
growing stronger
with each gentle touch
Allow yourself
to surrender to the sensation
and the laughter it brings
The feathers continue
their playful dance
all over your body
Every ticklish spot
is awakened
by their delicate touch
Let the laughter flow
as you embrace
the ticklish delight
You are in a safe place
fully immersed
in this playful fantasy
Feel the joy
and the lightness
that the tickling brings
The sensation is so real
so vivid
as if the feathers are truly there
You are lost in the moment
completely surrounded
by the delightful tickles
And now my dear subject…
This is going to loop 
And again
You will find that you are left simply laughing
Harder and harder
Until you simply can’t take it
Any longer
When that happens
Your body will simply sink 
More deeply into sleep 
But in yoru mind
You will continue to laugh
Harder and harder
While your body rests peacefully
Until i release you
Should you need to wake up before then
Simply take a deep breath
And let the fantasy fade
And then count from 1 to 3
And awaken
And if you would like
A longer adventure
One that adds just alittle
Laughing gas
To the situation 
You can find a link 
To the video on my patreon page
In the description below
But until then… 

—---------- Mantra —----------
Feathers gliding softly
tickling every spot
Gentle brushes and caresses
bringing waves of laughter
Feel the light touches
intensify the tickles
Every feather’s touch
sending tingles through you
Ticklish delight
spreading through your body
Laughing and squirming
as the feathers dance
Each touch is playful
bringing joy and giggles
Feathers on your neck
underarms, and sides
Belly, thighs, and feet
tickled by their touch
Every spot awakened
by the feather’s kiss
Light and gentle
yet powerfully ticklish
Embrace the sensation
let the laughter flow
Feathers gliding softly
tickling every spot
Gentle brushes and caresses
bringing waves of laughter
Feel the light touches
intensify the tickles
Every feather’s touch
sending tingles through you
Ticklish delight
spreading through your body
Laughing and squirming
as the feathers dance
Each touch is playful
bringing joy and giggles
Feathers on your neck
underarms, and sides
Belly, thighs, and feet
tickled by their touch
Every spot awakened
by the feather’s kiss
Light and gentle
yet powerfully ticklish
Embrace the sensation
let the laughter flow

And now it is time for you to just
Let everything fade away
And relax
And breathing
Deeply and easily 
You can stay here 
For a few moments
And simply 
And relax
And rest
And when you are ready 
You will find yourself
Opening your eyes
And counting from 1 
Up to 3
And waking up 
And relaxed

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