Monday, October 21, 2024

Superhero Misadventures 6 - Pet Transformation


Click here for Patreon Video: Superhero Misadventures 6 - Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Superhero Misadventures 6 - Pet Transformation

Ever wonder what it would be like to be captured superhero... and turned into the pet of the villain? To walk into a trap and then to simply find yourself... stuck and unable to move, being programmed to obey...

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance.

just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
a place where you can simply
follow my words
and let yourself
and let go
just feel the world around you
fading away
as you simply focus
and feel your body
and relaxing
drifting down
into that familiar
oh so calming
state of trance
as drop down
more and more deeply
the world around you
just fades
and a new world
starts to take its place
you can imagine yourself
as  a superhero
you've probably done this
many many times before
just let yourself
think of the person persona
the perfect powers
and abilities
the personality
that you would have a super hero
and most importantly of all
a uniform
it's ok if this is a new experience
it's ok if you simply
feel the idea
more then see it
the important part here
is to relax
and let yourself
become a superhero now.
just take a moment to imagine
that kind of uniform you might wear
and how it would feel on your body
is it practical
or flashy
or colorful spandex
or maybe dark leather
it's all up to whatever it is that you
find the most appealing
whatever it is that you feel
speaks to you the most
and as you get used to this feeling
become aware of your powers
what it is that makes you, a superhero
is it something fantastic
and magical
are you covered in fire,
or able to shoot ice from your eyes
super fast
or super strong
or maybe you are simply
highly skilled
or physically
the peak of human performance
it's up to whatever it is that you
find the most comfortable
whatever it is that you
feel to be right for you now
and now that you have your persona
your alter ego
fitted and in place
you begin your adventure.
there is a villain in a secret underground night club
they are the VIP
for the evening.
but they are supposed to be a secret
but fortunately for you
you managed to get some
that lets you know they are there.
you arrive at the club
hearing the thumping of the music
from so far away
secrecy is hard apparently
as you scan the club
watching the guests dance
and feel the music thumping against your chest
you spy the villain
they are,
surprisingly attractive
suave, and calculating
but oh so devious,
as you watch the villain,
you notice that they have a private room,
they seem to have a little business
they need to attend too
picking up a laptop
and going into the room
you see your opportunity
moving silently through the club
you move to the door
and slide inside.
to your surprise
the room is virtually sound proof
the sound of the club outside
fades instantly
as it is replaced a soothing
relaxing classical tune
and sitting before you
at a desk is a villain
they don't seem to be surprised
they just close the laptop
and stand
greeting you
they say they are
surprised you managed to find them
so quickly
this is a dance that all heroes and villains go through
as you find yourself confident and strong
scolding the villain for their misdeeds
for their wrongs
while they simply laugh it off
and start to monologue
about world domination
global control
something about beach front property
after a while you just stop listening
but you patiently wait
for them to finish
finally they say that after tonight
there will be nothing to stand in their way
noticing your cue
you chime in with something heroic
telling them that after tonight
they will be spending the rest of their life
behind bars
to no surprise they simply smile
and say.
I don't think so.
You see my dear superhero..
your stuck,  you can't move.
you roll your eyes but then discover
that you can't move
your legs seem to be
rooted to the ground
they aren't glued
and bonded
they simply
don't want to move
and then you notice it
deep in the back of the music
a specific tone
a specific hum
the telltale sign
of a subliminal message
as the realization hits you
the villain simply smiles and laughs
commenting that you are all
so very predictable
politely listening to the monologue
thinking you will get information
when all you did was let the subliminals
program you
they move closer to you
and comment once again
that as they said,
after tonight
and no one
will stand in their way
you feel your defiance
rise up in your mind
your feet may be stuck
but the rest of you isn't
you inhale deeply ready to give the villain
a piece of your mind
followed by a good strong
punch to the face.
but before you can
they simply say
and you feel your thoughts
simply dissolve
everything just
and fades away
they smile at you
and say again
and you feel your arms falls to your sides
your scowling face
falls slack
and your eyes slowly come
to about half open
they can't help but laugh
and comment that
there might have been a trigger
stuck in the subliminals somewhere.
they would explain it to you
but with your ...
they didn't think you'd be interested.
you feel them move up next to you
whispering into your ear
You have a BLANK MIND
they say
as you feel the tingling of the words
echo through your mind
you are not longer a heroine
you are a pet
You are my pet.
and you will obey
and completely
you find yourself shaking with anger
your going to resist
it is after all
a part of the job
but they seem ready for that too
and take out what looks
like a black
leather collar
but you can tell there are some
along the inside
they give you a smile
and simply place the collar around your neck
you feel the cold circuits
against your skin
and hear the snap
of the lock
as they smile into your eyes
You are a pet...
you are my pet.
and then tap a button on the collar
you feel a wave of electricity
wash over your body
and arc up into your mind
sparks like lighting
strong but quick
but with ever spark
you feel another part of your mind
go numb
go blank
every time you think of resisting
another spark blanks that part of your mind
thought after though
blanked away
your body shakes from the energy
but slowly
little by little
spark by spark
your thoughts are simply
and you find yourself
very compliant now
very open
and calm
any thought of resistance
is simply shocked away
blanked from your mind
and your body simply falls
deeper and deeper
under the spell of the collar
the villain watches you
knowing what is happening in your mind
but yet
you can't resist.
even though you try
but that was by design
because the more you resist
the deeper you fall
the more sparks you feel
and the more thoughts are erased.
after a while they begin to whisper into your ear...
Think about who you are...
but as soon as you do
it is sparked away
Think about your superhero name...
your alter ego
your persona
the name
comes to your mind
and then just like that.
it is hit by a spark
and erased
you are blank
you are empty
the villain smiles and whispers
I am going to give you a new name...
you are now known
as SuperThrall...
as the words echos through your empty mind
you feel a very different kind of spark
one that is aimed not at erasing a thought
but making it stick
one that causes you to feel a wave of pleasure
through your body
they smile again and whisper
What is your superhero name, my pet?
and you answer 
the villain smiles
they even joke
that you are SuperThrall
able to submit
faster than a speeding bullet
your identity is erased
your very persona
is simply
and replaced
they slowly move around you
programming you
you are a pet
you simply obey
nothing else matters
only obedient
every word they say
another wave of pleasure
from the collar
taking you deeper
and deeper
and as they do
they...alter your uniform
removing piece after piece
but leaving enough on
for it to be clear
what the uniform is
but removing more
revealing parts
parts you would normally not go out
without having covered
you feel the cool air of the room
as they are exposed
feel the skin tingle
feel yourself sink
and with each piece
a wave of pleasure
from the collar
as they simply smile and whisper
You are SuperThrall
and you will obey
you can't help but answer
and feel yourself sink even more deeply 
With your outfit changed
they work on your mind a bit more
you are a pet
you are loyal
and willing
you will obey
without question
without thought
your purpose is simply
to do as I say
to simply surrender
and obey now my pet.
and your place
is on your knees
you feel your body
lowering down
no thoughts
but wave after wave
of pleasure washes through you
as you finally kneel
this is where you belong
this is where a pet belongs
on their knees
and controlled
you see them pull out a leash
and lock it ot your collar
the moment they do
you feel a rush of pleasure
as the start to lead you around
you find yourself crawling
so easily
on all fours
blank and empty
on display
every step another wave of pleasure
and again
taking you deeper
with every step that you take
after all
you are a pet
and you will obey
in your mind
you start to see your time
serving the villain
waking up and kneeling at their feet
serving their every need
their every task
be it something that requires your
more heroic skills
or something more intimate
you serve
your mind is blank
but flooded with pleasure
day after day
you serve
and are rewarded
and any time you think of resisting
you feel a spark
zap into your mind
and blank it away
you fall deeper
and deeper
open to their desires
shown off as a prize for other villains
and enjoyed, in the quiet hours of the night.
deeply and completely
you are a pet
And your day will cycle 
Over and over again 
Until I choose to release you
Should you need to awaken 
Before I release you 
You can simply put the file on pause
And count from one
Up to three
And awaken. 
And go about your day as you need
Knowing you can return here
When you're done 
And if you are interested
In a little public display 
Walking you through the crowd
There is a more indepth version 
Of this file 
On my patreon page
link , as always
Is in the description
"Blank mind, Super Thrall, kneel before your master."
"Feel the collar's pleasure, it makes you weak."
"Super Thrall, you belong on your knees."
"Blank mind, all thoughts fade away."
"Crawl on all fours, my obedient pet."
"Every shock of pleasure binds you to me."
"Super Thrall, you exist to serve."
"Blank mind, let go of your will."
"The collar's touch makes you obedient."
"Super Thrall, you are my property."
"Kneel and crawl, my precious pet."
"Blank mind, feel the pleasure and obey."
You have done so very well my pet
But now it’s time for you to awaken
You can simply let the fantasy 
Fade away
Remembering everything 
Every feeling
Every sensation 
And just rest for a bit
And let your mind awaken
And when you are ready 
Simply count from 1
Up to 3
And let yourself wake up 
Ready to go about your day.

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