Thursday, December 5, 2024

Phantom of the Pied Piper

Click here for Patreon Video: Phantom of the Pied Piper - Patreon Version

Click here for Public Video: Phantom of the Pied Piper

Click here for hypnosis logs: Hypnosis Log & Afterparty Log

Ever wonder what it would be like, to be enchanted by the Pied Piper? To find yourself walking in a deep trance, deeply asleep and helpless as the music surrounds you enthralls you?

Remember, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You have all the power, I'm simply showing you how to use it. You can easily ignore any suggestion you do not like, and if you need to wake up at any time simply open your eyes and deal with whatever you need to deal with. If you wish to return to trance when you are done, simply take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax back into trance. 

just allow yourself
to get into a comfortable position
and just
focus on my words
all yourself to just relax
and drift
and feel yourself slowly
drifting down
all the way back down to trance
it's ok if you just drift
feeling your mind becoming foggy
becoming fuzzy
feeling your body slowly
becoming limp
and loose
and relaxed
finding yourself following my words
and just
letting everything go
and just focusing
and relaxing
down to sleep
just relax
take a deep
slow breath
and let your mind just empty
and sink down
deeper and deeper
letting the world around you fade away
just drifting
and vanishing into a fog
as the fog starts to clear
you find yourself
in an old european town
your on vacation
and you've made your way here
to rest for the night
the town is very old
the streets are still made of stone
and the houses have been here
kept up
and refreshed
for hundreds of years.
it's very quaint
very calming
but it has a legend,
of a very particular ghost
that haunts the town
of course you don't pay it any mind
it's all just a story
something to draw in the tourists
but it is fun to think about.
none the less
The town is comfortable
and cozy
the people are friendly
and grateful for the added money they will make
from your short stay
you are shown to your room.
it's old but very comfortable
the furniture is all handmade
and the sheets hand sewn
it's all very...
you watch peacefully as the sun
sets in the distance
and the gas powered street lights
light up.
it's all so
soothing and relaxing
just sitting by the window
looking out at the town
watching as the sky turns from blue
to black
and the stars come out
you move to the bed
and pull the thick warm blankets
up and over you
the night air is cool
but not cold
but the blanket is just so comfortable
that you just feel natural snuggling in
and closing your eyes
and relaxing
but then in the distance
you swear you hear a sound
soft and echoing
it almost sounds like music
at a great distance
echoing through the surrounding hills
echoing through the town
it sounds almost like a flute
soothing and soft
a very peaceful melody
as you lay there,
the music seems to get louder
and clearer
the notes seem to almost
through your body
through your mind
echoing softly
it's so soothing
so peaceful
so easy to just get lost
in the sound of the music
the very soothing
relaxing flute
not really onticing yourself
drifting off
your eyes fluttering
it's so hard to stay awake
so hard to keep your eyes
from closing.
the music flows
through your ears
through your mind
through your body
your not really aware of when your eyes close
or when your head
falls to the side
deeply asleep
your mind fading to an empty
blank void
as you sleep
you are simply unaware
unaware of your body starting to move
uncovering yourself
and placing your feet on the ground
your eyes are closed
your head is limp on your shoulders
maybe it's straight back
or forward
or lulled to the side
but it is completely limp
and heavy
you feel your arms
slowly reaching out in front of you
raising up
until they are straight out
it's almost like the music
is pulling them
wrapping around your wrists
and pulling you up
off of your bed
to your feet
your arms stay straight out
but your body seems to lag
slowly behind
limp and sluggish.
sleep walking....
to the sound of the flute.
you feel the sound of the music,
surrounding your body
pulling you forward
out of the room that you rented
and down the stairs
you are unaware of anything else around you
the town is buttoned up tight
but you didn't listen
to the warnings
you brushed them off of ghost stories
to attract tourists
but now your deeply asleep
being pulled forward
out into the night air
into the street
slowly walking
walking down
the music surrounding you
getting louder
and deeper
sliding into your mind
into your body
echoing through you
a helpless sleep walker...
just feel the music
all around you
your arms out in front of you
hands limp
but arms straight
being pulled
every step
you feel the music
swirl around you
more deeply
more completely
every note
makes your sink
deeper and deeper
into sleep
the deeper you fall
the more the music pulls you forward
step by step
to the ghostly
haunting music
step by step
you make your way through the town
following the ghostly music
eyes closed
mind empty
hypnotized by the ghost
of the pied piper
unaware as you walk
every step so natural
so calm
so easy to just
and step
drift and step
blank and helpless
moving through the town
step by step
unable to think
unable to resist
deeper and deeper
as the music surrounds you.
earing the music
echo through your mind
as you are lead
around the town
step by step
all through the night
sinking deeper
and deeper
with each and every step.
lost in the music
lost in the spell of the piper
you feel so free
so calm
as you are lead around the town
again and again
but as the sun begins to rise
the music
the spell of the piper
leads you slowly
back to your room
ascending the stairs
as the music draws you in
finding yourself
sitting on the bed
as the music fades away
in the first rays of the rising sun
the moment it does
you simply find yourself
falling limp
and helpless
onto the bed
the magic is gone
but you are deeply
deeply asleep
exhausted from your night
and simply ready to just...
you'll find that when you do
finally awaken
that your memory is very
you remember having a wonderful nights sleep
but you had the strangest dream
dream of the ghost
the legend
a dream of music
and here you will simply sleep
and rest
and when you are ready to awaken
you need only to take a deep
slow breath
and let your eyes open 
as you count from 1
up to 3
and awaken...
when you are ready. 
and if you would like a more
intimate version of this trance
or would simply like to support my work
there is a link in the description 
to the patreon version 
of this trance
for when you wake up
until then 
just relax
until you are ready to awaken

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